
M. G. Mason

Publication Date


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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Rates of nitrogen on wheat - soil test - Fifty-one sites were selected and soil sampled during February- March. All these proposed trials consisted of four replications and these reps were soil sampled separately. In each rep. 20 samples were taken to 10cm depth with pogo stick samplers. In addition, from three holes at random across each trial bulk samples were obtained from the 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm soil intervals These soil samples were air dried (if not already dry) and sieved to remove > 2 mm fraction (gravel). Portions of these < 2mm fractions from the 0-10cm samples were sent to the Government Chemical Laboratories and to C.S.B.P. & Farmers Ltd. At C.S.B.P. analyses were carried out to determine P and K content and the C.S.B.P. soil nitrogen test was also carried out on them. This measures nitrate content before and after incubation with moist soil at 32c for seven days. A measurement was also made after 14 days. At Government Chemical Laboratories analyses were to be carried for Organic carbon and for a number of nitrogen fractions, including Total Nitrogen, MH4 + NO3 Nitrogen and several incubation techniques. These were also to be determined on the profile samples, which were also to be subject to the following analyses: a) Mechanical Analysis b) pH (in water) c) Cation Exchange Capacity d) Moisture Holding Capacity All of these trials were planted except for one at Jerramungup, where the marker pegs were ploughed out by the farmer. Vegetative cuts were then taken during the August - September period on 46 of the remaining 50 sites. Three of the other four sites were abandoned because of severe waterlogging (Neridup), extreme weediness (Nugadong) or due to poor plant survival (possibly due to webworm) combined with weeds (Mallalying). The trial at Wannamal was sown to oats, by the farmer. The nitrogen treatments were still applied and the trial was retained but not sampled for dry matter production. These samples were to be analysed for nitrogen content. Dry matter production and grain yields are set out in the following tables. 61M11, 75A1. 75A2, 75A3, 75AL1, 75AL2, 75BA2, 75BA3, 75BR1, 75BR2, 75C1, 75C2, 75C3, 75E2, 75E3, 75ES1, 75ES2, 75ES4, 75GE1, 75GE2, 75GE3, 75JE1, 5JE2, 75KA1, 75KA2, 75LG1, 75LG2, 75LG3, 75M2, 75M3,75M4, 75ME1, 75ME2, 75ME3, 75MO1, 75MO2, 75MO4, 75MT2, 75MT3, 75N1, 75N2, 75N3, 75NA1, 75NA3. 75NA4, 75NO2, 75NO3, 75SG1, 75SG2, 75TS2, 75TS3, 75TS4, 75WH4, 75WH5, 75WH6, 75WH7.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
