The DPIRD library is gradually adding electronic copies to this collection, starting with the more recent material. However, reader requests to have electronic copies added will receive priority. Requests may be emailed to the DPIRD Digital Library


Publications from 1998


Doing more with Agriculture - Central Agricultural Region 1997 USA Study Tour Final Report, Christine Arnold


Phosphorus in the landscape: diffuse sources to surface waters. Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. Occasional Paper 16/98, Richard Davis, Anne Hamblin, E O'Loughlin, Nic Austin, R Banens, P Cornish, P Hairsin, M McCulloch, Phil Moody, J Olley, B Prove, I Smalls, and David Weaver


A better future for Rural WA Leadership and Economic Development in Rural Western Australia, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


Annual report 97/98- Western Australia. Dept. of Agriculture: New industries program creating growth paths for innovation, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


New Rural Industries 1998 'Advancing Innovation' First National Conference, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


AGWEST Trade & Development AGTRADE DATABASE, Besko Trhulj and Rachel Hills


Geographe Bay Catchment natural resource atlas, Sarah Weaving

Publications from 1997


The protection of remnant vegetation on private land in the agricultural region of Western Australia, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


Memorandum of Understanding between the Commissioner for Soil and Land Conservation, Environmental Protection Authority, Department of Environmental Protection, Agriculture Western Australia, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Water and Rivers Commission for the protection of remnant vegetation on private land in the agricultural region of Western Australia, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia; Western Australia. Commissioner of Soil and Land Conservation; Western Australia. Environmental Protection Authority; Western Australia. Dept. of Environmental Protection; Western Australia. Dept. of Conservation and Land Management; and Western Australia. Water and Rivers Commission


The United Arab Emirates : market intellegence project Agwest Trade and Development briefing notes 1997, Rachel Hills


Agriculture and the Western Australian economy : value added contribution of agricultural commodities, Nazrul Islam


Agriculture and the Western Australian economy : an input-output analysis, Nazrul Islam and Peter Johnson


Agriculture and the Western Australian Economy: An Input-Output Analysis - Vol 2, Nazrul Islam and Peter Johnson

Publications from 1996


Outdoor pig production in Western Australia. An on-farm study to document performance and management practices on extensive pig farms., Roy Butler


Bridgetown-Greenbushes and Boyup Brook rural survey- Results and conclusions, Ben Rose

Publications from 1995


Reading the rangeland: a guide to the arid shrublands of Western Australia, Don Burnside, Alec Holm, Alan Payne, and Georgina Wilson


Distribution and Ecological Significance of on-Farm Bush Remnants in the Southern Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia - Phase III - Save the Bush Project MZ 06, E A. Griffin


Distribution and Ecological Significance of on-Farm Bush Remnants in the Southern Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia - Phase II - Save the Bush Project, E A. Griffin

Publications from 1994


Hanging on or handing over : proceedings of a Succession Planning Seminar held ... 28 July, 1994 at the Dalwallinu Recreation Centre ... 29 July 1994 at the Moora Recreation Centre., Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia


Handing over the family farm : proceedings of a Succession Planning Seminar Wednesday 2 March 1994 Dymesbury Lodge, King River., Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia and Adrian Ross


Management and Distribution of Information (MADI) Discussion paper, A Kubicki and Chris Denby


Report on Centenary Activities - 1994, Peter Watt

Publications from 1993


Napier-King land conservation district : land management manual, Peter Hocking


Jerramungup "Moort type" Soils - Soil Description, Analyses and Discussion, Tim Overheu Mr

Publications from 1992


Farmer Groups - A Fad or the Future, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia