Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops, Natural resources
Department of Agriculture
This is the second phase of the Southern Wheatbelt Region Remnant Vegetation project aimed at surveying pieces of bushland in the 'Great Southern' of Western Australia. The first phase was completed during 1991-1992 and covered 11 shires
The aims of this survey were to document what is left (as on-farm remnant bush areas), so that the information is a available for use by the wider farming community (see also Mollermans 1992a, b).' In addition, native vegetation was defined as "endemic floral ... communities which have not been planted and which are in place as a result of natural processes" (ACF vide Mollemans, 1992a,b). Furthermore, remnant vegetation is 'that component of the native vegetation (as defined) which is still intact or fragmented into isolated aggregates.'
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Natural Resources and Conservation
Recommended Citation
Griffin, E A.
(1995), Distribution and Ecological Significance of on-Farm Bush Remnants in the Southern Wheatbelt Region of Western Australia - Phase II - Save the Bush Project. Department of Agriculture, Perth. Report.
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Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons