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DPIRD Collections

Natural resources


Managing the rangelands is complex. Soils and vegetation can vary considerably over short distances in distinct or subtle ways. Separating climatic from management influences on the condition of the land has always been difficult. Whether we live on a sheep station, in a country town, in an Aboriginal community, a mining camp, or even if we only visit the Australian outback, it is vital that we understand and appreciate the unique character and management requirements of the rangelands. Learning to ‘read the rangeland’ has been a slow process, involving the knowledge and skills of pastoralists, Aboriginal people and scientists. This book, 'Reading the rangeland', has been prepared by an experienced team involving technical experts in rangeland management and publication. It was also ‘road tested’ by a diverse group of leading pastoralists and others with love for and interest in the country.

Number of Pages



rangelands, arid region, Western Australia, shrublands, rangeland management, rangeland vegetation, rangeland ecology


Environmental Education | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Other Earth Sciences


ISBN 0 7309 6464 7

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