The DPIRD library is gradually adding electronic copies to this collection, starting with the more recent material. However, reader requests to have electronic copies added will receive priority. Requests may be emailed to the DPIRD Digital Library
Publications from 2012
Nutrient Direction Statement, David Weaver, Robert Summers, David Rogers, Martin Clarke, Peta Richards, Tilwin Westrup, and Leon van Wyk
Publications from 2011
Horse Alert WA, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Research into Western Australian honeys, Robert J G Manning
Publications from 2010
Framework for developing climate change adaptation strategies and action plans for agriculture in Western Australia, Damien Hills and Anne Bennett
Western Australian resource condition monitoring projects 2007-2009, Ceidwen Pengelly and 2010
Water Management Plan for the Town of Perenjori, Mark Pridham
Publications from 2009
Benchmarking biodiversity: Land resource mapping in the Ord River catchment., Tricia Handasyde, Peter J. Tille, Noel R. Schoknecht, and Karen Carnes
Publications from 2008
Pastoral profits guide, a paddock guide to achieving sustainable livestock productivity, Mark Alchin, Jim Addison, Valarie Shrubb, Zac Cockerill, Matthew Young, Tim Johnson, and Greg Brennan
Innovation, research and development, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Optlime, a bioecenomic model of soil acidity management in agricultural systems, Chris Gazey
Evaluation of Lifetimewool: 2008 national farmer survey results, Anne Jones, Andrew van Burgel, and Gus Rose
Publications from 2007
Uses for canola meal, John Bonnardeaux
Natural resource management intermediaries as potential next-users, Jamie Bowyer and Marie Shanks
Australian meat production and exports by state, Wim Burggraaf
Growing cucumbers in protected cultivation in Western Australia, John Burt
Annual pasture legume options for key soil types, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia and Grains Research & Development Corporation
Exporting quarantine risk material from Western Australia, Quarantine WA and Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Publications from 2006
Ethanol production from grain, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Western Australian agriculture and food trade mission to the Middle East 14 January - 3 February 2006 : report and follow-up activities, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Edge Employment Solutions : Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia : job audit report, 2006, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia; Edge Employment Solutions; Matthew Eaton; Ian Hughes; and Barabara Magnowski
Field pea in the great southern, Ian Pritchard, Rodger Beermier, and Mark Seymour
Avondale Discovery Farm - Review of Operations, RBA Consulting
Current status and 25 year trends for soil acidity, fertility and salinity in the coastal catchments of the Peel-Harvey, Robert Summers and David Weaver
Publications from 2004
Characteristics of perrennial grasses [poster], T M. Lacey and Geoff Allan Moore