Skeleton weed in Western Australia: 2025 Management guide
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Skeleton weed can reduce crop yields by competing for moisture and nutrients (mainly nitrogen).
This guide helps you manage and eradicate skeleton weed infestations on your property, and helps to stop the spread across WA.
Without the coordinated program aimed at controlling the spread, skeleton ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia: Control program 2024–2025
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Key program changes
Winter eradication program
New herbicide recommendations for control in crops, legume based annual pastures, plantations and glyphosate tolerant canola.
- The minimum size of ‘squares’ (infested areas) has been reduced from 40 m x 40 m (0.16 ha) to 20 ... Read more
Bulletin 4936: Guidelines to importing and keeping regulated animals in Western Australia
Win Kirkpatrick
Introduced, exotic or alien animals are species that have been brought to a country or location where they do not occur naturally. (Hereafter referred to as introduced species). Mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians that are introduced or relocated to new areas often cause problems to ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia: Control program 2023–2024
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Skeleton weed can reduce crop yields by competing for moisture and nutrients (mainly nitrogen). This guide helps you manage and eradicate skeleton weed infestations on your property, and helps to stop the spread across WA. Without the coordinated program aimed at controlling the spread, skeleton ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia: Management guide
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Skeleton weed can reduce crop yields by competing for moisture and nutrients (mainly nitrogen). This guide helps you manage and eradicate skeleton weed infestations on your property, and helps to stop the spread across WA.
Without the coordinated program aimed at controlling the spread, skeleton ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia : control program 2022/23
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Skeleton weed in Western Australia / Management guide
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia
Skeleton weed is a declared plant which can reduce crop yields by competing for moisture and nutrients (mainly nitrogen).
This Management Guide has been designed to assist landholders and increase their capacity to manage and eradicate skeleton weed infestations on their properties and to prevent ... Read more
Environmental weed risk assessment protocol for growing non-indigenous plants in the Western Australian rangelands
Geoff A. Moore Mr, Christine Munday Ms, and Papori Barua Dr
This bulletin is a post-border environmental weed risk assessment (WRA) protocol which is based on the Environmental WRA Protocol developed for the Future Farm Industries Co-operative Research Centre (FFI CRC), but with some changes to reflect the different environment and objectives.
The WRA protocol was ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia Control Program 2021/22
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
The Program now includes:
• Recommendations for control in legume based annual pastures.
• Provision of clopyralid (Lontrel™) herbicide to eligible landholders, to undertake their own spraying of paddocks that are greater than 10% infested (by area), and known as heavily infested paddocks, has been ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia: Management Guide
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Skeleton weed is a declared plant which can reduce crop yields by competing for moisture and nutrients (mainly nitrogen).
This Management Guide has been designed to assist landholders and increase their capacity to manage and eradicate skeleton weed infestations on their properties and to prevent ... Read more
Mosaic agriculture: a guide to irrigated crop and forage production in northern WA
Geoff A. Moore Mr, Clinton K. Revell Dr, Christopher Schelfhout Dr, Christopher Ham Mr, and Samuel Crouch Mr
The Bulletin is a comprehensive guide for pastoralists, agronomists, agribusiness and the broader community on the growing of irrigated crops and pastures within a rangeland pastoral setting.
Dispersed irrigation developments on stations throughout the northern rangelands (sometimes referred to as mosaic agriculture) has created opportunities ... Read more
Plant diseases impacting oaten hay production in Australia - a review
Kylie Chambers and Geoff J. Thomas
In Australia, there are a range of fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens that infect oats, impacting on yield and quality of grain and hay crops. The overall impact of these diseases on oaten hay production is not well researched or understood, especially compared to that ... Read more
Chemical weed control in canola
Harmohinder Dhammu, Mark Seymour, Abul Hashem, and Jackie Bucat
Canola is an important break and cash crop in Western Australia. To provide maximum benefit to the following crop, while maximising the yield potential of canola, growers should aim to control weeds as early as possible. There is a wide suite of chemicals available for ... Read more
The value of break crops in weed management
Wayne Parker, Ian Pritchard, and Abul Hashem
This publication discusses the effect on weed management of the inclusion of break crops (lupin, field pea, chickpea, faba bean, lentil and canola) in the cropping rotation compared to a rotation of continuous cereals.
Including break crops in the cropping rotation allows weed management options ... Read more
Ecologically significant invasive species, a monitoring framework for natural resource management groups in Western Australia
Jan-Willem de Miliano, Andrew Woolnough, Andrew Reeves, and Damian Shepherd
This publication is the result of the project titled 'Resource Condition Monitoring for Ecologically Significant Species. The project identified and addressed key weaknesses in the State's capacity to monitor threat posed by ecologically significant species. The invasive species monitoring framework for Western Australia developed through ... Read more
Common regional pests of Western Australia
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Western Australia is free from many exotic animal and plant pests, diseases and weeds that are present elsewhere in Australia. However, the state does have some unwanted intruders. Of these, many are declared plants or declared animals which, for the sake of convenience, we collectively ... Read more
Skeleton weed in Western Australia, pocket guide
State Skeleton Weed Committee; Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia; and Agriculture Protection Board
The Skeleton Weed Program is a coordinated approach to eradicating skeleton weed in Western Australia. It is run jointly by the State Skeleton Weed Committee, the Department of Agriculture and the Agriculture Protection Board. It is funded through the skeleton weed levy collected from grain ... Read more
Root disease under intensive cereal production systems
Bill MacLeod, Vivien Vanstone, Ravjit Khangura, and Ciara Beard
This Bulletin describes symptoms and control methods for the most commonly encountered cereal root diseases in Western Australia:
- rhizoctonia bare patch
- root lesion nematode
- take-all
- fusarium crown rot
- cereal cyst nematode
- common root rot ... Read more
Southern weeds and their control
John Moore and Judy Wheeler
This booklet provides easy identification of common weeds and methods of control using common cultural, biological and herbicidal control techniques. The weeds are divided into four colour coded groups based on their lifeform and are grasses, herbs, vines and shrubs or trees. Within each group, ... Read more
Strawberry root and crown rot disease survey 2005 and 2006 seasons
Dennis Phillips and Hossein Golzar
Reports of unusually high numbers of plant deaths in strawberry crops from growers in Western Australia prompted a survey to identify the cause. Plant and soil samples were taken from a range of growers and runner sources over a two-year period and tested for plant ... Read more
Common seasonal pests : your handy guide to prevent the spread of animal and plant pests, diseases and weeds.
Department of Agriculture and Food, WA
This bulletin provides information on quarantine, common pests and common household pests in Western Australia. Details include identification, damage caused, seasonal occurance of pest, action to take, control measures, and where to seek advice.
Skeleton weed - best practice management guidelines for cropping programs
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea L.) is the only species within the genus Chondrilla that is found in Australia. It belongs to the tribe Cichoriae (chicory tribe) of the family Asteraceae (the daisies). Other closely related species in this tribe include lettuce, endive, dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), ... Read more
Downy mildew in vineyards
Diana Fisher, Andrew Taylor, Colin Gordon, and Peter Magarey
Downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara viticola, is a major fungal disease of grapevines that originates from North America. This disease was first detected in a commercial Western Australian vineyard in October 1998 and has since been found in most grape growing areas within the State. ... Read more
Identification and control of pest slugs and snails for broadacre crops in Western Australia
Svetlana Micic, Ken Henry, and Paul Horne
The numbers of slugs and snails have increased in broadacre cropping in Western Australia with the use of minimum tillage and stubble-retention practices. The organic content of paddocks increases under such systems, providing an increased food source especially to young slugs and snails. Soil moisture ... Read more
Root lesion and burrowing Nematodes in Western Australian cropping systems
Vivien Vanstone
Nematodes are common soil pests that feed on the roots of a wide range of crop plants in all agricultural areas of Western Australia, irrespective of soil type and rainfall. Nematodes multiply on susceptible hosts. Consequently, as nematode populations increase, crop production is limited. Cereal ... Read more
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