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In Australia, there are a range of fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens that infect oats, impacting on yield and quality of grain and hay crops. The overall impact of these diseases on oaten hay production is not well researched or understood, especially compared to that of other cereal crops. Export hay is evaluated on physical qualities such as stem thickness and greenness and nutritional qualities including water-soluble carbohydrates, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and dry matter digestibility. The colour/ greenness of oaten hay can be reduced by disease lesions, chlorosis and saphrophytic fungi growing on dead tissue all of which can cause export hay to be downgraded. How disease generally, and individual diseases specifically impact on nutritional quality are less well understood. For hay production to be profitable, inputs, yield and quality need to be managed. The ability to manage diseases impacting oaten hay production economically has the potential to increase grower returns. This review outlines the major diseases of oaten hay crops in Australia. For the purpose of this review they have been separated into categories based on where they infect the plant (leaf/ foliar, grain or roots). This review also summaries the disease symptoms, epidemiology, current control strategies and suggested future work on these diseases that could increase export hay profitability or address potential future issues in export market access. A list of currently registered seed dressings, in furrow treatments and foliar fungicides has been included containing any potential maximum residue limit (MRL) issues in the export industry.
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pests, diseases, biosecurity, oaten hay, crops, fungal, viral, bacterial pathogens, maximum residue limit
Agricultural Science | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity
Recommended Citation
Chambers, K,
Thomas, G J.
(2020), Plant diseases impacting oaten hay production in Australia - a review. DPIRD, Perth. Bulletin 4916.
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