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Key program changes
Winter eradication program
New herbicide recommendations for control in crops, legume based annual pastures, plantations and glyphosate tolerant canola.
- The minimum size of ‘squares’ (infested areas) has been reduced from 40 m x 40 m (0.16 ha) to 20 m x 20 m (0.04 ha) to help reduce the winter treatment area.
- Landholders will need to consult with DPIRD/LAG officers to assess the degree of infestation before working or cultivating through squares in Code 1 paddocks.
- Clopyralid (LontrelTM) herbicide will no longer be provided for treatment on heavily infested paddocks. Landholders will still be required to undertake chemical control on these paddocks.
Summer search program
Summer searching requirements
- Landholders are required to search all Code 1, 2 and 3 paddocks as per search protocols.
Search assistance
- Provided to assist landholders with searching and mapping infested paddocks.
- Significant changes made to paddock eligibility for search assistance in 2024-25, now limited to Code 1 and New Find paddocks. Code 3 and re-infested Code 2 paddocks are no longer eligible.
Reinfested paddocks
- Any Code 2 or 3 paddocks where plants are found become “re-infested” Code 1 paddocks. Landholders must complete a full search and mark infested areas (squares) for dGPS mapping. - Squares mapped under the Program are eligible for winter treatment assistance - These Code 1 paddocks are eligible for search assistance in the next search season (2025/26) Skeleton weed control program 2024–25
- Landholders are encouraged to crop infested / re-infested paddocks and apply a recommended in-crop treatment across the whole paddock. This will help to control plants not found (outside the dGP’d areas) and compliment the eradication treatment on the infested “squares.
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State Government of Western Australia
skeleton weed, control, eradication, dpird, wa, western australia
Agriculture | Biosecurity | Plant Sciences
Recommended Citation
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia.
(2025), Skeleton weed in Western Australia: Control program 2024–2025. State Government of Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4934.