Fisheries Research Articles



Submissions from 2024


Estimation of effective number of breeders and effective population size in an abundant and heavily exploited marine teleost, Andrea Bertram, Justin Bell, Chris Brauer, David Fairclough, Paul Hamer, Jonathan Sandoval-Castillo, Maren Wellenreuther, and Luciano B. Beheregaray


Microplastic extraction from digestive tracts of large decapods, Katrina Bornt, Kathryn Linge, Jason How, Simon de Lestang, Renae Hovey, and Tim J. Langlois


The social and economic dimensions of one of the world’s longest-operating shark fisheries, Matias Braccini, Maddison Watt, Clinton Syers, Nick Blay, Matthew Navarro, and Michael Burton


Genomic population structure of great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran) across the Indo-Pacific, Naomi L. Brunjes, Samuel M. Williams, Alexis L. Levengood, Matt K. Broadhurst, Vincent Raoult, Alastair V. Harry, Matias Braccini, Madeline E. Green, Julia L. Y. Spaet, Michael J. Travers, and Bonnie J. Holmes


Spatial characterisation and drivers of catch and effort in highly specialised recreational pelagic fisheries, Shannon Burchert, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Karina L. Ryan, Ute Mueller, and Glenn A. Hyndes


Boom, shake the room: Seismic surveys affect behaviour and survival of western rock lobster, Simon de Lestang, Jason How, Kelvin Rushworth, and Christine Erbe


Density-dependence inside a marine protected area increases natural mortality and stunts the growth of a spiny lobster, Simon de Lestang and Emma Jade Tuffley


Implications of big, old, fat, fecund, female fish (BOFFFFs) for the reproductive potential of a demersal teleost stock, Rubie Evans-Powell, Sybrand Alex Hesp, Ainslie M. Denham, and Lynnath E. Beckley


Directed conservation of the world’s reef sharks and rays, Jordan S. Goetze, Michael R. Heithaus, M. Aaron MacNeil, Euan S. Harvey, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Michelle R. Heupel, Mark Meekan, Shaun Wilson, and Stephen J. Newman


Characterisation of common hypothetical surface peptides between protozoan parasites (Perkinsus olseni) originating from different geographical locations, Eliot Hanrio, Daniel R. Bogema, Kathleen Davern, Jacqueline Batley, Michael Clarke, Laila Abudulai, Anita Severn-Ellis, and Cecile Dang


Working group on recreational fishing surveys: outputs from 2023 meeting, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and Stephen M. Taylor


Revealing the impact of spatial bias in survey design for habitat mapping: A tale of two sampling designs, Stanley Mastrantonis, Tim J. Langlois, Ben Radford, Claude Spencer, Simon de Lestang, and Sharyn Hickey


A novel method for robust marine habitat mapping using a kernelised aquatic vegetation index, Stanley Mastrantonis, Ben Radford, Tim Langlois, Claude Spencer, Simon de Lestang, and Sharyn Hickey


Puerulus settlement forecasting in a harvest strategy evaluation of the rock lobster fishery in South Australia, Richard McGarvey, Adrian Linnane, John E. Feenstra, Janet M. Matthews, Lachlan J. McLeay, Annabel Jones, Kyriakos Toumazos, and Simon de Lestang


Spiny lobster recreational fisheries in Australia and New Zealand: An overview of regulations, monitoring, assessment and management, Claire B. Smallwood, Karina L. Ryan, Ewan A. Flanagan, Jade Q. Maggs, Faith A. Ochwada-Doyle, and Sean R. Tracey


Variations in life-history traits in exploited and unexploited populations of Perth herring (Nematalosa vlaminghi): evidence for density-dependent growth?, Kimberley A. Smith, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, and Peter Graham Coulson


Trends in catch rates of sawfish on the Australian North West Shelf, C. Wakefield, S. J. Newman, M. Braccini, and A. Harry

Submissions from 2023


Risk factors for summer mortality in greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata × Haliotis rubra): A case-control study, Matthew S. Bansemer, Jessica J. Buss, Georgia Macaulay, Tracey Bradley, Graeme Knowles, Cecile Dang, James O. Harris, Kathryn H. Wiltshire, and Nick Savva


Length–length relationships for the main shark species caught in the commercial shark fisheries of Western Australia, Saia Nahir Bartes and Matias Braccini


Life-history characteristics and mortality of the protogynous hermaphroditic frostback rockcod (Epinephelus bilobatus) from the eastern Indian Ocean, Dion Boddington, C. Wakefield, Euan S. Harvey, David Fairclough, and Stephen J. Newman


Population genomics provides evidence of interspecific hybridisation and population structure in the blue-swimmer crab (Portunus armatus) along the Western Australian coastline, Jeremy Briggs, Danielle Johnston, and Winn Jason Kennington


Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by recreational anglers: considerations for developing more resilient and sustainable fisheries, Robert J. Britton, Adrian Pinder, Josep Alos, Robert Arlinghaus, Andy J. Danylchuk, Wendy Edwards, Katia M F Freire, Casper Gundelund, Kieran Hyder, Ivan Jaric, Robert Lennox, Wolf-Christian Lewin, Abigail J. Lynch, Stephen R. Midway, Warren M. Potts, Karina L. Ryan, Christian Skov, Harry V. Strehlow, Sean R. Tracey, Jun-ichi Tsuboi, Paul A. Venturelli, Jessica L. Weir, Marc Simon Weltersbach, and Steven J. Cooke


The stock assessment theory of relativity: deconstructing the term 'data-limited' fisheries into components and guiding principles to support the science of fisheries management, Jason M. Cope, Natalie A. Dowling, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, Kristen L. Omori, Pia Bessell-Browne, Leandro Castello, Rowan Chick, Dawn Dougherty, Steven J. Holmes, Richard McGarvey, Daniel Ovando, Josh Nowlis, and Jeremy Prince


Using intervention analysis to evaluate the trends in release rates of recreational fisheries following extensive management changes, Brett Crisafulli, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Ute Mueller, Karina L. Ryan, David Fairclough, and Johnny Lo


Optimising flow-cytometry methods for marine mollusc haemocytes using the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima as a model, Cecile Dang, Ludovic Donaghy, Annie Macnab, and Hosna Gholipour-Kanani


Data intermediate assessment: Examining the suitability of a novel depletion model for use in a spiny lobster fishery, Simon de Lestang and Jason How


Length and age compositions, hermaphroditic traits and reproductive characteristics vary among five congeneric species of labrid in a large embayment, David Fairclough, Norman G. Hall, and Ian C. Potter


Oceans of plenty? Challenges, advancements, and future directions for the provision of evidence-based fisheries management advice, Daniel R. Goethel, Kristen L. Omori, Andre E. Punt, Patrick D. Lynch, Aaron M. Berger, Carryn L. de Moor, Eva E. Plaganyi, Jason M. Cope, Natalie A. Dowling, Richard McGarvey, Ann L. Preece, James T. Thorson, Milani Caloupka, Sarah Gaichas, Eric Gilman, Sybrand A. Hesp, Catherine Longo, Nan Yao, and Richard D. Methot


An integrated approach for assessing the survival of discarded sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus, captured in scientific longlines, Taylor Grosse, Cynthia Awruch, Euan S. Harvey, Benjamin J. Saunders, Chris Dowling, Daniela Waltrick, and Matias Braccini


Vague labelling of shark products in Australia’s fish and chip shops undermines consumer choice and sustainability of domestic shark fisheries, Md Robiul Hasan, Jennifer A. Chaplin, and M. Braccini


Consumption of shark products: The interface of sustainability, trade (mis)labelling, human health and human rights, Md Robiul Hasan, Jennifer A. Chaplin, Peter B. Spencer, and M. Braccini


Fine-scale variability in catch and growth rates of western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus) show heterogeneous life-history parameters, A Miller, Jason How, Simon de Lestang, Brooke A. Gibbons, E Lester, M Navarro, J Fitzhardinge, and Tim J. Langlois


Initial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australian fisheries production, research organisations and assessment: shocks, responses and implications for decision support and resilience, Emily M. Ogier, David C. Smith, Sian Breen, Caleb Gardner, Daniel J. Gaughan, Harry K. Gorfine, Alistair J. Hobday, Natalie Moltschaniwskyj, Ryan Murphy, Thor Saunders, Michael Steer, and James Woodhams


Observations of the association by early-juvenile western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus George, 1962 with seagrass assemblages (Decapoda: Achelata: Palinuridae), Daphne Oh, Tim J. Langlois, Michael A. Brooker, Hugo Salinas, Jason R. How, and Simon de Lestang


A large-scale experiment finds no consistent evidence of change in mortality or commercial productivity in silverlip pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) exposed to a seismic source survey, Miles J G Parsons, Diego R. Barneche, Conrad W. Speed, Robert D. McCauley, Ryan D. Day, Cecile Dang, Rebecca Fisher, Hosna Gholipour-Kanani, and Stephen J. Newman


Sympatric species of coral trout (Plectropomus) show contrasting patterns of genomic structure across isolated atoll reefs, Samuel D. Payet, Joseph D. DiBattista, Stephen J. Newman, Kelvin J. Rushworth, Corey B. Wakefield, Richard D. Evans, and Michael J. Travers


Population genomic and size distribution data suggest high genetic connectivity in the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) along a 2700 km coastline, Brenton M. Pember, Jennifer A. Chaplin, Juan Matias Braccini, and Neil R. Loneragan


Genomic analyses indicate two blue swimmer crab species in Australia, evidence for natural interspecific hybridization and genetic structure within species with implications for fisheries management and stock enhancement, HKA Premachandra, Alistair Becker, Kerry Millard, Danielle J. Johnston, Sankar Subramanian, Manoharan Kumar, Matthew Taylor, and Wayne Knibb


Estimating abundance of fish associated with structured habitats by combining acoustics and optics, Ben Scoulding, S Gastauer, J C. Taylor, K M. Boswell, David V. Fairclough, Gary Jackson, P Sullivan, K Shertzer, F Campanella, N Bacheler, M Campbell, R Domokos, Z Schobernd, T S. Switzer, Nick Jarvis, Brett Crisafulli, C Untiedt, and P G. Fernandes


Development of a real-time PCR (qPCR) method for the identification of the invasive paddle crab Charybdis japonica (Crustacea, Portunidae), Tiffany J S Simpson, Claire M. Wellington, Sherralee S. Lukehurst, Roger Huerlimann, Heather Veilleux, Michael Snow, Joana Dias, and Justin I. McDonald


Clarifying the natural distribution of Saccostrea Dollfus and Dautzenberg, 1920 (edible rock oyster) species in Western Australia to guide development of a fledgling aquaculture industry, Michael Snow, Seema Fotedar, Nerida G. Wilson, and Lisa A. Kirkendale


Utility of body and otolith morphometry to discriminate cryptic juveniles of two sympatric red snappers (Perciformes: Lutjanidae), Miwa Takahashi, Corey B. Wakefield, Stephen J. Newman, Kyle B. Hillcoat, Benjamin J. Saunders, and Euan S. Harvey


Efficacy of otolith morphometry for rapid discrimination of cryptic fishes, Miwa Takahashi, Corey Wakefield, Benjamin J. Saunders, David Fairclough, Euan S. Harvey, and Stephen J. Newman

Submissions from 2022


Spatial characterisation of Demersal Scalefish diversity based on recreational fishing data, Eric N. Aidoo, Ute Mueller, Glenn A. Hyndes, and Karina L. Ryan


Fisheries genomics of snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) along the west Australian coast, Andrea Bertram, David Fairclough, Jonathan Sandoval-Castillo, Chris Brauer, Anthony Fowler, Maren Wellenreuther, and Luciano B. Beheregaray


Plastic gear loss estimates from a major Australian pot fishery, Katrina Bornt, Jason How, Simon de Lestang, Kathryn Linge, Renae Hovey, and Tim Langlois


Quantifying teleost discards in the shark fisheries of Western Australia, Juan Matias Braccini, Saia Bartes, and Peter G. Coulson


Gillnet selectivity for non-targeted shark species in temperate Australia, Matias Braccini, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, and Terence I. Walker


Chemotaxis is important for fine scale habitat selection of early juvenile Panulirus cygnus, Michael A. Brooker, Simon de Lestang, Jason How, and Tim Langlois


Geostatistical tools to assess shifts in recreational fishing, Shannon J. Burchert, Glenn A. Hyndes, Karina L. Ryan, and Ute Mueller


New techniques for underwater video photography of line fishing and their application in shark depredation studies, Peter Graham Coulson, Nicolas D C Jarvis, and Gary Jackson


Are charter and private-boat recreational fishers learning to live with shark depredation?, Peter G. Coulson, Karina L. Ryan, and Gary Jackson


Development of an individual-based tag recapture model to benchmark biomass and harvest rates in an iconic lobster fishery, Simon de Lestang, John Hoenig, and Jason How


Improving design-based estimates of biological data collected from a restricted spatio-temporal access point survey of recreational fishers, Cameron J. Desfosses, Alissa C. Tate, Claire B. Smallwood, and Karina L. Ryan


Complementary evidence for small-scale spatial assemblages of the exploited grass emperor (Lethrinus laticaudis) in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area, Western Australia, David Fairclough, Suzanne G. Ayvazian, and Stephen J. Newman


Microsatellite-based assessment of the genetic structure of snapper, Chrysophrys auratus, in Australasia, Michelle J. Gardner, Jennifer A. Chaplin, David Fairclough, and Ian C. Potter


Development of monoclonal antibodies against Perkinsus olseni using whole cells, Eliot Hanrio, Jacqueline Batley, Kathleen Davern, and Cecile Dang


Development of an industry-funded fishery-independent survey and associated indices for managing a deep sea crab resource in Western Australia, Jason How, Simon de Lestang, Benjamin Hebiton, and Ainslie Denham


Are sharks attracted to caged fish and associated infrastructure?, Charlie Huveneers, Yuri Niella, Michael Drew, Joshua Dennis, Thomas M. Clarke, Alison Wright, Simon Bryars, Matias Braccini, Chris Dowling, Stephen J. Newman, Paul Butcher, and Scott Dalton


Using an oceanographic model to investigate the mystery of the missing puerulus, Jessica Kolbusz, Tim Langlois, Charitha Pattiaratchi, and Simon de Lestang


Recreational fishing pressure impacts the density and behaviour of the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus, George): evidence from small, no-take marine reserves, Daniel G. Lindstedt, Tim Langlois, Jane Prince, and Simon de Lestang


First elucidation of a didymozoid life cycle: Saccularina magnacetabula n. gen. n. sp. infecting an arcid bivalve, Clarisse Louvard, Scott C. Cutmore, Russell Q.-Y. Yong, Cecile Dang, and Thomas H. Cribb


Shark depredation: future directions in research and management, J D. Mitchell, J M. Drymon, J Vardon, Peter G. Coulson, C A. Simpfendorfer, S B. Scyphers, S M. Kajiura, K Hoel, S Williams, Karina L. Ryan, A Barnett, M R. Heupel, A Chin, M Navarro, Tim Langlois, M J. Ajemian, E Gilman, E Prasky, and Gary Jackson


Hyporthodus griseofasciatus (Perciformes: Epinephelidae), a new species of deep-water grouper from the west coast of Australia, Glenn I. Moore, Corey B. Wakefield, Joseph D. DiBattista, and Stephen J. Newman


Impacts of exposure to a seismic source survey on silverlip pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima), Miles J. Parsons, Conrad W. Speed, Robert D. McCauley, Rebecca Fisher, Cecile Dang, Diego R. Barneche, Jayson M. Semmens, Stephen J. Newman, Ryan D. Day, Hosna Gholipour-Kanani, and Mark G. Meekan


Widespread exposure of marine parks, whales, and whale sharks to shipping, Vincent Raoult, Vanessa Pirotta, Troy F. Gaston, Brad Norman, Samanatha Reynolds, Tim M. Smith, Mike Double, Jason How, and Matt W. Hayward


Small‐scale estimation of recreational fishing effort and catch from broad‐scale survey data: A case study using multiple‐use Marine Protected Areas in Western Australia, Claire B. Smallwood and Karina L. Ryan


SMART drumlines ineffective in catching White Sharks in the high energy Capes Region of Western Australia: acoustic detections confirm that sharks are not always amenable to capture, Stephen M. Taylor, Jason How, Michael J. Travers, Stephen J. Newman, Silas Mountford, Daniela Waltrick, Christopher E. Dowling, Ainslie M. Denham, and Daniel J. Gaughan


The effect of hydrogen peroxide concentration and water temperature on yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi in a repeated bathing treatment, Lindsey Woolley, Luke Pilmer, Frances J. Stephens, Zi X. Lim, Peter G. Arthur, Hosna Gholipour-Kanani, and Gavin J. Partridge


Maximization of fitness by phenological and phenotypic plasticity in range expanding rabbitfishes (Siganidae), Salvador Zarco-Perello, David Fairclough, Chris Dowling, Joey DiBattista, Rachel Austin, Thomas Wernberg, and Brett Taylor

Submissions from 2021


Modelling climatic and temporal influences on boating traffic with relevance to digital camera monitoring of recreational fisheries, Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah, Stephen M. Taylor, and Ute A. Mueller


Potential expansion in the spatial distribution of subtropical and temperate west Australian sharks, Saia Bartes and Matias Braccini


Conventional tagging of sharks in Western Australia: the main commercial species exhibit contrasting movement patterns, Saia Bartes, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Terence I. Walker, Carissa King, Neil Loneragan, and Matias Braccini


Isolated reefs support stable fish communities with high abundances of regionally fished species, Matthew J. Birt, Katherine Cure, Shaun Wilson, Stephen J. Newman, Euan S. Harvey, Mark G. Meekan, Conrad W. Speed, Andrew Heyward, Jordan Goetze, and James Gilmour


Age, growth and reproductive life-history characteristics infer a high population productivity for the sustainably fished protogynous hermaphroditic yellowspotted rockcod (Epinephelus areolatus) in north-western Australia, Dion K. Boddington, Corey B. Wakefield, Emily A. Fisher, David V. Fairclough, Euan S. Harvey, and Stephen J. Newman


Quantifying fishing activity targeting subsea pipelines by commercial trap fishers, Todd Bond, Dianne L. McLean, Corey B. Wakefield, Julian C. Partridge, Jane Prince, David White, Dion K. Boddington, and Stephen J. Newman


Effects of human footprint and biophysical factors on the body-size structure of fished marine species, Nestor E. Bosch, Jacquomo Monk, Jordan Goetze, Shaun K. Wilson, Russell C. Babcock, Neville Barrett, Jock Clough, Leanne M. Currey-Randall, David Fairclough, Rebecca Fisher, Brooke A. Gibbons, David Harasti, Euan S. Harvey, Michelle R. Heupel, Jamie Hicks, Thomas H. Holmes, Charlie Huveneers, Daniel Ierodiaconou, Alan Jordan, Nathan A. Knott, Hamish A. Malcolm, Dianne L. McLean, Mark G. Meekan, Stephen J. Newman, Ben Radford, Matthew J. Rees, Benjamin J. Saunders, Conrad W. Speed, Michael J. Travers, Corey Wakefield, Thomas Wernberg, and Tim Langlois


Spatial and temporal patterns in catch rates from multispecies shark fisheries in Western Australia, Matias Braccini, Ainslie Denham, Michael F. O'Neill, and Eva Lai


Risk-based weight of evidence assessment of commercial sharks in western Australia, Matias Braccini, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, and Brett W. Molony


Quantifying the unreported and unaccounted domestic and foreign commercial catch of sharks and rays in Western Australia, Matias Braccini, Mervi Kangas, Vanessa Jaiteh, and Stephen J. Newman


Recreational Harvest of Sharks and Rays in Western Australia Is Only a Minor Component of the Total Harvest, Matias Braccini, Eva K M Lai, Karina L. Ryan, and Stephen M. Taylor


Quantifying shark and ray discards in Western Australia’s shark fisheries, Matias Braccini and Hilario Murua


Crab diets differ between adjacent estuaries and habitats within a sheltered marine embayment, Theo I. Campbell, James R. Tweedley, Danielle J. Johnston, and Neil R. Loneragan


Stock-recruitment-environment relationships of invertebrate resources in Western Australia and their link to pro-active management harvest strategies, Nick Caputi, Arani Chandrapavan, Mervi I. Kangas, Simon de Lestang, Anthony M. Hart, Danielle Johnston, and James Penn


Stakeholder-government collaboration in developing cost-effective fishery-independent surveys in rights-based and co-managed fisheries, Nick Caputi, Simon de Lestang, Stephen J. Newman, Gary Jackson, and Kim Smith


Improved accuracy for automated counting of a fish in baited underwater videos for stock assessment, Rodney M. Connolly, David V. Fairclough, Eric L. Jinks, Ellen M. Ditria, Gary Jackson, Sebastian Lopez-Marcano, Andrew D. Olds, and Kristin I. Jinks


Increasing confidence in estimates of average weight and recreational harvest ranges, Brett Crisafulli, Johnny Lo, Ute Mueller, Karina L. Ryan, and David Fairclough


Supplemented roving survey to quantify spatio-temporal recreational fishing effort in an estuarine Ramsar wetland, Cameron J. Desfosses, Stuart J. Blight, Ainslie M. Denham, and Stephen M. Taylor


Multiple introductions and regional spread shape the distribution of the cryptic ascidian Didemnum perlucidum in Australia: an important baseline for management under climate change, Joana Dias, Sherralee S. Lukehurst, Tiffany Simpson, Rosana M. Rocha, Maria Ana Tovar-Hernandez, Claire M. Wellington, and Justin I. McDonald


Climate-assisted persistence of tropical fish vagrants in temperate marine ecosystems, Laura Gajdzik, Thomas M. DeCarlo, Adam Koziol, Mahsa Mousavi-Derazmahalleh, Megan Coghlan, Matthew W. Power, Michael Bunce, David Fairclough, Michael J. Travers, Glenn I. Moore, and Joseph D. DiBattista


Increased connectivity and depth improve the effectiveness of marine reserves, Jordan Goetze, Shaun K. Wilson, Ben Radford, Rebecca Fisher, Tim Langlois, Jacquomo Monk, Nathan A. Knott, Hamish A. Malcolm, Leanne M. Currey-Randall, Daniel Ierodiaconou, David Harasti, Neville Barrett, Russell C. Babcock, Nestor E. Bosch, Danny Brock, Joachim Claudet, David Fairclough, Stephen J. Newman, Michael J. Travers, and Corey Wakefield


Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact, Molly K. Grace, H Resit Akcakaya, Elizabeth L. Bennett, Thomas M. Brooks, Anna Heath, Simon Hedges, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Michael Hoffmann, Axel Hochkirch, Richard Jenkins, David A. Keith, Barney Long, David P. Mallon, Erik Meijaard, E J. Milner-Gulland, Jon Paul Rodriguez, P J. Stephenson, Simon N. Stuart, Richard P. Young, and David Fairclough


More for less: Citizen science supporting the management of small-scale recreational fisheries, David C. Harris, Danielle J. Johnston, and Daniel E. Yeoh


The BRUVs workshop – An Australia-wide synthesis of baited remote underwater video data to answer broad-scale ecological questions about fish, sharks and rays, Euan S. Harvey, Dianne McLean, Jordan Goetze, Benjamin J. Saunders, Tim Langlois, Jacquomo Monk, Neville Barrett, Shaun K. Wilson, Thomas H. Holmes, Daniel Ierodiaconou, Alan R. Jordan, Mark G. Meekan, Hamish A. Malcolm, Michelle R. Heupel, David Harasti, Charlie Huveneers, Nathan A. Knott, David Fairclough, Leanne M. Currey-Randall, Michael J. Travers, Ben Radford, Matthew J. Rees, Conrad W. Speed, Corey Wakefield, Mike Cappo, and Stephen J. Newman


Gear modifications reduced humpback whale entanglements in a commercial rock lobster fishery, Jason How, William K. de la Mare, Douglas K. Coughran, Michael C. Double, and Simon de Lestang


Continental-scale network reveals cross-jurisdictional movements of sympatric sharks with implications for assessment and management, Charlie Huveneers, Yuri Niella, Michael Drew, Rory McAuley, Paul A. Butcher, Victor Peddemors, Daniela Waltrick, Chris Dowling, Silas Mountford, Ian S. Keay, and Matias Braccini


Working group on recreational fisheries surveys: 2021 report, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and Stephen M. Taylor


Temperature drives spatial and temporal variation in the reproductive biology of the blue swimmer crab Portunus armatus A. Milne-Edwards, 1861 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae), Danielle J. Johnston and Daniel E. Yeoh


Changes in Panulirus cygnus Settlement Along Western Australia Using a Long Time Series, Jessica Kolbusz, Simon de Lestang, Tim Langlois, and Charitha Pattiaratchi


Corroborating effort and catch from an integrated survey design for a boat-based recreational fishery in Western Australia, Eva K M Lai, Karina L. Ryan, Ute Mueller, and Glenn A. Hyndes