Fisheries Research Articles

Comparing indicators of recreational fishing in Port Phillip Bay, Australia, from 2008 to 2011 with variability from a background period (2003–07)

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Marine and Freshwater Research


Print: 1323-1650 Electronic: 1448-6059


angling, catch per unit effort, CPUE, GLM, Pagrus auratus, REML, restricted maximum likelihood, Sillago punctata, survey sampling, two-stage generalised linear model


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Marine Biology


Understanding the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on marine environments that support recreational fisheries requires suitable monitoring data. Although catch rates are frequently considered to inform resource status for commercial fisheries, similar time series data are generally unavailable for recreational fisheries. This study is based on 9 years of data from boat-based recreational fishing surveys in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. Harvest rates and length distributions of the retained catches for three target species were statistically compared over 4 years following commencement of shipping channel dredging (2008–11) with variability from a background period (2003–07). Mean harvest rates were generally within historical ranges, with increases for snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) and King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus) and decreases for sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis). Length–frequency distributions were not significantly different to the background period, except for increased mean length of snapper and King George whiting in 2011. This study demonstrates that data obtained from sampling recreational fishers can provide valuable information to monitor harvested resources and maintain social amenity for recreational fisheries during periods of anthropogenic disturbance. Trends in harvest rates from recreational fishing surveys may also complement catch rates from commercial fisheries for assessments of multisector fisheries or stand-alone assessments for recreational-only fisheries.
