Fisheries Research Articles
Working group on recreational fisheries surveys: 2021 report
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ICES Scientific Reports
recreational fisheries, fisheries data, stock assessment data collection, EU Data Collection Framework, ICES reporting, WGRFS
Aquaculture and Fisheries
The ICES Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS) role is to summarize and quality assure recreational fishery data collected in European countries and feed into the ICES advisory process on marine recreational fisheries (MRF) issues. In 2021, WGRFS met virtually to continue to work on many aspects of MRF including collation and review of national survey programmes; assessment of the validity of new approaches; provision of guidance on availability, quality and use of data; supporting regional data collection and storage; the human dimension; and review of workshops organized by the group. The sessions focused on sharing information, assessing the quality of national survey programmes, development of the intersessional groups, and publication plans.
Recommended Citation
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea,
Taylor, S M.
(2021), Working group on recreational fisheries surveys: 2021 report. ICES Scientific Reports, 3 (113), 1-61.