
R. J. Jarvis

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 77M13

Location: Merredin

This site was in wheat in 1975 and 1976 before the treatments commenced on continuous wheat in 1977.


Location: Merredin

Sited alongside 77M13 with the same paddock history. Commenced the wheat/pasture rotation after wheat in 1975 and 1976.

Trial 86M79

Chemical and cultivated fallow in a pasture/wheat rotation on heavy land.

Location: Merredin.

At Merredin on salmon gum/gimlet soil. Pasture treatments and soil moisture measurements were conducted in 1990. Wheat 1991.

Trial 87NA80, 81, 82, 83

Direct drilling with modified combines compared with cultivation for pasture/wheat rotations with grass control treatments in the pasture year.

Location: Corrigin.

These trials commenced in 1986 (with Me numbers) on the property of Peter Copestake - Corrigin. Peter does the cultivation and seeding treatments with his own machinery at normal speeds. 87NA80-83 pasture/wheat rotation. 87NA80,83 in crop in even years, 87NA81,82 in crop in odd years. 87NA80, 81 grey sand/clay, 87NA82, 83 yellow loamy sand with gravel in NA82.

Trial 85SG28

Grey-brown calcareous earth - Kumarl

Location: Salmon Gums

A long term trial comparing direct drill with a combine to 2 cultivations prior to seeding, under three rotations (continuous wheat, wheat/pasture, wheat/fallow). Chemical and cultivated fallow. Site history - fallow 82, wheat 83, pasture 84 consisting of barley grass, goldfields burr medic, cyprus medic and wild mustard. Pasture plots sown with Serena medic in rotation in 1985 and 1986.

Trial 88EB12

Direct drilling and scarifying - Duplex soil

Paddock was in lupins (poor) 1987. Site is gritty sand over clay at variable depth 20-35 cm, average 25 cm. Wheat 1988, lupins 1989, wheat 1990

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science
