
R. J. Jarvis

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 88Ba11,12

Deep ripping at two depths in lupin/oat/wheat rotation on newish land.

Location: Badgingarra Research Station

Sited on the new block of Badgingarra Research Station, these trials aim at examining the response to new rippings each cereal year as well as the response over time to the residual effect of ripping. The rotation is the normal one applied on the Research Station.

Trial 89KO1

Location: Mount Barker Research Station.

Deep ripping for barley and lupins - Kojaneerup Block of MBRS.

Yields not significantly different by A.O.V., however lupin yield declined as the previous year's barley yield increased due to ripping, but only where the barley had been direct drilled. This was a significant trend at p < 0.05 with lupin yield declining by 40 kg/ha for every 100 kg/ha yield increase of barley.

Trial 82WH49

Deep ripping in a 2 wheat/2 pasture rotation.

Location: Wongan Hills

This trial was in its second year of pasture in 1990 and will be cropped to wheat in 1991 to compare the residual value of rippings in previous years, with ripping and cultivation in 1991.

Trial 85WH62

Location: Wongan Hills.

Depth of ripping by shank spacing. - Wongan loamy sand.

Rip treatments were carried out in pasture in August 1985. Cropped to wheat 1986, 1987, 1990.

Pasture in 1988 and 1989. The average response to ripping was 1100 kg/ha in 1986 with a response, due to the residual effect, of 400 kg/ha in 1987.

In 1990 the site was cultivated and then sown a week later, on June 1, with Reeves wheat with 53 kg/ha DAP. 30 kg/ha urea was topdressed on July 31.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science
