
G. C. Macnish

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases


Trial 86E31

Rhizoctonia strains and paddock history.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station ( Paddock C5)

To determine the effects of pasture, cultivation and cropping on Rhizoctonia root rot, Rhizoctonia patch and distribution of patch and non-patch strains of R. spp

Trial 88E39

Rhizoctonia patch mini-plot establishment area.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station ( Paddock N1B)

To examine the effects of cultivation and minimum tillage in patches in lupins and to provide sites for mini-plot experiment.

Trial 88KO15

Rhizoctonia bare patch establishment area.

Location: Kojaneerup annex.

To establish an area (with a known history) for future research.

Trial 89E12

Rhizoctonia bare patch and the influence of pasture growth.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station ( Paddock W11)

To test the hypothesis that build up in grassy pasture leads to increased rhizoctonia bare patch.

Trial 90E54, 90E55

Rhizoctonia bare patch and seed size, depth of sowing reaction.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station ( Paddock W7 and W11)

This experiment aims to test the hypothesis that small seed planted deep will be weaker and more prone to attack by ,R. solani than large seed planted shallow.

Trial 90SG61

Rhizoctonia bare patch and seed size interaction.

Location: R. Graham lease block (Paddock T1)

This experiment aims to test the hypothesis that plants grown from small seed will be weaker and more prone to attack by R. solani than plants from large seed.

Trial 90E56, 90MT64, 90N71

Sterile red fungus (SRF) and control of take-all disease in wheat.

Location: Esperance Downs Research Station, Mount Barker Research Station, Newdegate Research Station

To test potential of SRF as a biocontrol agent for take-all.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Soil Science
