
W. Macleod

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases


Trial 90GE93

Field survey of lupin root diseases in the northern wheatbelt.

Location: Northern Agricultural Region - majority within Geraldton Advisory District.

To determine the extent, severity and exact nature of fungi causing root and hypocotyl rots of lupins in the northern wheatbelt.

Trial 90GE98

Effect of time of sowing on rhizoctonia infection of lupins.

Location: Woorree.

To examine the effects of sowing lupins at various intervals after the start of the season on the level of Rhizoctonia hypocotyl rot.

Trial 90EC24

Observations on stunt patch on the eradu sandplain.

Location: East Chapman Research Station.

To examine the effects of sowing lupins at various intervals after the start of the season on the level of Rhizoctonia hypocotyl rot.

Trial 90EC26

East Chapman patches - Identification of causal fungus.

Location: East Chapman Research Station.

To examine whether or not the stunted patches on the Eradu sandplain are Rhizoctonia bare patch.

Trial 90GE94 and 90GE95

Demonstration of effect of deep cultivation on Eradu sandplain patches.

Locatin Casuarinas (90GE94) and Tenindewa (90GE95)

To demonstrate that deep cultivation does not ameliorate the effects of "Eradu patch" on lupins on sandplain soils. Additionally to examine whether fungicides are a possible control for this disease.

Trial 90BA61

Knockdown herbicide time and rate of application.

Location: Badgingarra Research Station.

In 1988 and 1989 experiments showed a greater level of root and hypocotyl disease on lupins following the use of Roundup as a knockdown than following Sprayseed, when both were used within 24 hours of sowing. The aim of this trial was to determine whether this difference between herbicides occurs with greater delays in sowing after herbicide application.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry
