Targeted liquid delivery of fungicides: a new tool for Rhizoctonia root rot control - Eyre Peninsula Farming Systems Summary 2014

Publication Date


Series Number

DAS00122, DAS00123


Grains Research and Development Corporation


This three year trial program contributed to Uniform being registered in late 2014 for liquid application in-furrow and on the soil surface to control Rhizoctonia root rot.

Uniform banding treatments had better efficacy than Vibrance seed treatment. Banding treatments were associated with more significant and bigger yield responses, with dual banding of Uniform in-furrow 3-4 cm below the seed and on the surface behind the press wheel giving the most consistent yield and root health responses across seasons.

Efficacy data was also generated to support registration for the liquid application of coded fungicide BYF14182 in-furrow to control Rhizoctonia. Registration is pending and expected in early April. • Yield responses achieved by banding BYF14182 in furrow were not significantly different from EverGol Prime seed treatments. However, banding in-furrow combined with seed treatment significantly improved root health compared to banding in-furrow or seed treatment alone.

Fungicide responses did vary from season to season suggesting there is an environmental component affecting efficacy. Yield responses were generally bigger in the better seasons.

Growers now have greater flexibility in choosing a method of fungicide application for Rhizoctonia control, which can also offer improved efficacy. Importantly, fungicides still need to be used as part of an integrated management package. Banding will reduce patch incidence and severity but not eliminate patching altogether.

Number of Pages



Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity


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