New developments in PreDicta B and management of rhizoctonia root rot

Publication Date


Series Number

DAS00137, DAS00122, DAS00123, DAS00125, DAN00175, CSP00150, DAW00174, DAW00229, and UWA00152


Grains Research and Development Corporation


  • When collecting PreDicta B samples, add 1-2 pieces of stubble from base of old cereal or grass weeds per sampling location (typically 15, about 5-7 cm long) within the paddock. Core along the rows of the previous cereal crop and do not remove any plant debris.
  • The GRDC project DAS00137 has been established to improve the value of PreDicta B to grain producers. This includes improving the risk categories for crown rot and root lesion nematodes in collaboration with National crown rot and nematode programs DAN00175 and DAV00128, respectively, plus broadening the range of tests and fast tracking these onto PreDicta B reports. See SARDI website from mid March for more detail.
  • Uniform® applied either by liquid banding or coated fertiliser has been registered to control rhizoctonia root rot. Banding treatments produced greater and more consistent yield responses than Vibrance® seed treatment. Dual banding of Uniform® in-furrow 3-4cm below the seed and on the surface behind the press wheel gave the most consistent yield and root health responses across seasons. Responses in barley were greater than wheat; responses also appear to be greater in seasons with good spring rainfall. The influence of season needs further investigation.
    • BYF14182 banded in-furrow achieves similar yield responses to EverGol® Prime seed treatment. Banding BYF14182 in-furrow combined with EverGol® Prime seed treatment significantly improved root health; APMVA registration of BYF14182 for in-furrow application is pending.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity


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