Rhizoctonia control improved by liquid banding of fungicides

Publication Date


Series Number

DAS00122, DAS00123, DAS00125, CSE00150, DAW00174, UWA00152


Grains Research and Development Corporation


  • SARDI and DAFWA field trial results show banding fungicides above and below seed, below seed only or below seed combined with a seed treatment can improve control of Rhizoctonia.
  • APVMA is currently reviewing submissions to enable banding of selected fungicides to improve control of Rhizoctonia; if approved, registration will be granted in 2015.
  • Permits have been approved for large scale evaluation in 2014 – watch out for local field days conducted by Syngenta and Bayer CropScience.
  • Fungicide treatments alone will not eliminate patches and need to be used as part of an integrated management program.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Biosecurity


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