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Successful honey production depends, among other things on a good knowledge of the plants which produce nectar.
Every apiarist needs to know which plants are of importance to honey-bees, where those plants occur, and when they flower. He also needs to know which plants produce nectar which will result in the production of good quality honey, and which produce unpalatable or unmarketable honey. To maintain the strength of his bee colonies he also needs to know which plants produce nutritious pollen.
The object of this bulletin is to provide the basic information on these subjects in the main beekeeping areas of Western Australia. The bulletin does not pretend to say everything that there is to be said on the matter as this would be quite impossible. Every year each beekeeper learns a little more about the honey flora, but no one year is exactly the same as the previous or any other year because the flowering behaviour and nectar production is dependent on that infinitely variable factor, the weather.
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Nectar plants, Apiaries, Vegetation, Forests, Woodlands, Honey, Honey plants, Western Australia
Apiculture | Natural Resources and Conservation | Plant Biology
Recommended Citation
Smith, F G.
(1969), Honey plants in Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 3618.

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