Importing and keeping introduced mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians in Western Australia
Bulletin 4848 withdrawn 18/11/2024.
Replaced by Bulletin 4936: Guidelines to importing and keeping regulated animals in Western Australia
Error in title of original Bulletin 4848, should read "Bulletin 4848", not "Technical Bulletin 4848"
Many animals and birds cause severe damage to agriculture and the environment. They can:carry diseases or parasites, damage agricultural crops, displace native animals and plants, damage property, cause land degradation and have a negative impact on pets.
These primarily introduced species (species that have originated in another country) have been declared by the Minister for Agriculture and Food as either prohibited organisms or permitted organisms under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAMA).
This bulletin lists those animals which can be kept under a permit in aviculture and as pets or companion animals, or are stock animals. Species that are exempt don’t require a permit to keep and are listed in the tables in keeping category K5.