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The overall purpose of this plan is to provide a clear pathway to improve adoption of sustainable farming practices. The focus of the plan is to develop and encourage adoption of practices that minimise sediment, nutrient and chemical export from agricultural land within the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) (Figure 1). The plan aims to build on the significant work done by growers, government agencies and community groups over the years to manage the off-site impacts of irrigated agriculture.
A broad consultative approach was used to develop the plan. Workshops, meetings and oneon- one discussions were held with the local irrigation community and relevant stakeholders to gain insights into the current situation with regard to sustainable farm management in the ORIA. This information was collated and used to inform the development of this plan. In addition, feedback on the draft plan was sought from these people, and this has shaped the final product.
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Farming systems, Waste water, Sustainability, Irrigated farming, Water quality, Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Horticulture
Recommended Citation
Slaven, T,
Heath, R,
Bowyer, J.
(2010), Adoption of sustainable farm management to improve tailwater quality - A plan for the Ord River irrigation area. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4806.