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Authors: Martin Barbetti, Pam Burgess, Dave Eksteen, Trevor Lacey, Reg Lance, Peter Metcalfe, Dane Robertson, Greg Shea, Sofia Sipsas, Mark Sweetingham, Graham Walton, Peter White, Anne Wilkins
Markets are rapidly changing and new industries are emerging at a faster rate than previously recorded in history. The livestock industry and related feed grain industry are part of this changing dimension. The Department of Agriculture Western Australia (DAWA) compiled this report to examine the supply and potential demand for feed grain and explore possible options to take advantage of opportunities that may be presented as a result of these changes.
This report summarises the supply and demand of key feed grains in Australia as well as the current research focus that DAWA has on each of these commodities. The report also identifies some constraints to further development of feed grains and provides some recommendations for the feed grains industry.
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Grain legumes, Peas, Cowpeas, Vetch, Lentils, Faba beans, Exports, Triticale, Canola, Soy beans, Supply, Oats, Chickpeas, Feed grains, Barley, Lucerne, Economic analysis, Wheat, Markets, Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Marketing
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia.
(2005), Feed grain report - current and future demand in Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4652.