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Many farms in Western Australia were cleared and developed before there was a full and clear understanding of the effects of bush clearing - that is salinization of soil and water supplies, wind and water erosion, waterlogging and soil structure decline. The productive capacity and inherent problems of the different soil types was also largely unknown.
Modern-day Conservation Farm Planning aims to provide a blue-print for the redevelopment of properties to ensure long term soil fertility, to prevent soil erosion and degradation by waterlogging and salinity. It also provides for a spread of reliable stock watering points and more efficient management by convenient working patterns and access for stock and vehicle movement.
To a very large extent the farmer himself is involved in preparing the Conservation Farm Plan but he can obtain advice on the technical aspects of conservation land management from Advisers and Technical Officers at his local office of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture; thus preparation of a Conservation Farm Plan is a joint effort between the farmer and a Soil Conservation Officer.
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Soil conservation, Land use, Farm planning, Land capability, Narrogin region (W.A.), Western Australia
Horticulture | Natural Resources and Conservation | Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Astbury, Owner/Manager of Taarblin, G,
Negus, T.
(1985), The Taarblin experience : a planned approach to soil conservation. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4129.

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