Listed here are books and book chapters written or contributed to by our staff. These works can be monographs in any format, printed works, ebooks or ibooks.
Climatic change in Western Australia
M A. Frahmand and R A. Nulsen
The greenhouse effect is now an established scientific fact. Evidence published in the US and Australia in 1987 leaves little room for doubt. Carbon dioxide sent into the air whenever fossil fuels are burnt traps reflected heat from the Earth's surface - just as a ... Read more
A survey of land suitable for Townsville stylo in the North Kimberley of W.A. 1973
A Kubicki and J. Beer
The aims of the survey were to -
(a) define the extent and actual location of country suitable for the production of non-indigenous pastures; in particular to classify the land for its suitability for Townsville stylo (Styioaanthes hurniiia).
(b) map the areas so defined on ... Read more
Soil conservation handbook
D J. Carder, G W. Spencer, and Soil Consevation Service
Soil Conservation means, basically sound land management. With good management the Ste's resources of productive land can be bot only maintained but actually improved. It is a question of deciding the best use for each soil type and situation. Profitable Production must be kept up ... Read more
The West Australian settler's guide and farmer's handbook
Bureau of Agriculture, Western Australia
Descriptive Notes on the Agricultural Areas and Crown Lands open for Selection. An enumeration of the productive possibilities of the Golden West.
The publication of this handbook is mentioned in the Bureau's annual report for year ending 30th June 1897. The book is published in ... Read more