
Perth, WA


Soil Science


Yellow Tenosols (yellow deep sand) in the Western Australian grainbelt often have multiple constraints to crop production, which include non-wetting, subsoil compaction and acidity. As a result of these multiple limitations these soils have been considered poor cropping soils with estimated costs in lost production exceeding $200/ha. A systems approach to managing these soils has been developed to improve crop production, which includes a winter fallow, limesand application and deep tillage in late winter and seeding canola in the following autumn.

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Soil Science Commons



Yield Response to Deep Ripping of Canola, Wheat and Barley on Soils with Multiple Constraints

Perth, WA

Yellow Tenosols (yellow deep sand) in the Western Australian grainbelt often have multiple constraints to crop production, which include non-wetting, subsoil compaction and acidity. As a result of these multiple limitations these soils have been considered poor cropping soils with estimated costs in lost production exceeding $200/ha. A systems approach to managing these soils has been developed to improve crop production, which includes a winter fallow, limesand application and deep tillage in late winter and seeding canola in the following autumn.