Thursday 5 December 2019
Start Date
5-12-2019 4:00 PM
End Date
5-12-2019 4:15 PM
Soil Policy, Planning & Governance
Session Chair
Tim Overhue
Soil Science
State planning policy for the Peel-Harvey coastal plain catchment requires decision makers to consider land suitability when assessing proposals for intensive agriculture including for horticulture. This information is not accessible or easily understood by land use planners. We will describe how we translated this information into a model Local Planning Policy (LPP) for the Peel-Harvey.
Included in
Translating soils information into better land planning decisions: an example from the Peel-Harvey Catchment Western Australia
State planning policy for the Peel-Harvey coastal plain catchment requires decision makers to consider land suitability when assessing proposals for intensive agriculture including for horticulture. This information is not accessible or easily understood by land use planners. We will describe how we translated this information into a model Local Planning Policy (LPP) for the Peel-Harvey.
Presented by Heather Percy, Ander Del Marco, Tom Lerner and Brett Flugge