
J. Cooper

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 90GL26

Effect of growth stage at application of response to atrazine.

To determine the optimum stage for application of atrazine to show the most consistent and maximum differences between varieties of lupins in glasshouse tolerance trials.

Trial 90GL28

Response to lupin varieties to metribuzin applied post emergence.

This is an initial quick screening to determine if the same pattern of responses occurs when metribuzin is applied as when simazine/atrazine is used. Field rates were used assuming that there are 1,250,000 pots/ha. The recommended rate applied to peas is 300g/ha so this was used as an estimate of the amount needed for weed control.

Trial 90GL32

Response of lupin varieities to metribuzin applied post emergence II

The first metribuzin tolerance trial showed that the rate at which responses differed between varieties was around 100g/ha, the lowest rate included on that curve. To form a more accurate picture of the response of lupins to metribuzin the number of rates in this region was expanded. The same assumptions apply as in the previous experiment.

Trial 90GL35

The first metribuzin tolerance trials showed that the response of Danja and Gungurru to applications of metribuzin follow accepted pattern for triazine tolerance. Danja is sensitive to all the rates of metribuzin tried (lowest 50g/ha). But the limit of Gungurru's tolerance is 125g/ha with death at 150g/ha. The tolerance of other varieties has not been examined so a sample of current varieties are included here. Yorrel, Gungurru and 330 are included in field trials so a comparison of field and glasshouse responses is possible. W542 showed superior simazine tolerance in a previous pot trial and is one of Wallace Cowling's selections. The same assumptions apply as in the previous experiments.

Trial 90GL36

Response of lupin varieties to metribuzin applied post emergence. IV

This is a repeat of the previous trial which investigated the response of five varieties to metribuzin. The purpose is to confirm repeatibility of using metribuzin in glashouse for screening breeding lines of lupins. Illyarrie is one of the parents of current varieties so needs checking. The same assumptions apply as in the previous experiments.

Alternative testing methods

The use of metribuzin as the screening agent for triazine tolerance has been confirmed. Application of atrazine post emergent has proved too unreliable to allow screening of new varieties. Simazine incorporation in soil was also ineffective and time consuming.. Several experiments attempting to grow lupins in root cooling tanks which are available for greater portion of the year were abandoned because of contamination of the soil plastic stabilizers leaching from the cups used. Techniques for glasshouse screening for Ally®, Diuron and Bromoxynil tolerance are a preliminary stages.

Screening new lines with metribuzin

Two experiments have been completed to screen lupin lines selected at WHRS in 1989. The lines investigated were selected from the best 50 plants treated with the high rate of simazine application (16L/ha) at WHRS in 1989 that had acceptible seed production when bulked at Manjimup. They were compared to Gungurru and Danja as standards. The lines selected may have missed application through a blocked jet so may simply be the better plants growing with less competition from neighbours. They may be the result of selection within variation in Gungurru rather than an induced mutation.

Trial 90WH85

Selection for herbicide tolerance from a mutated lupin population.

Location: Wongan Hills

To select from a mutated population for enhanced tolerance to a range of herbicides that have potential for controlling doublegees post emergence in lupin crops.

Number of Pages



Western Australia, lupins, herbicide.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Weed Science


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