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DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Developing crop rotation systems for controlling brome grass.
Over the last four years the population dynamics of brome grass in various crop and pasture rotation systems have been monitored with the following aims.
To identify the level of control of brome grass under various rotation systems, so that farmers can be advised on the degree of infestation likely to be encountered when using a particular system.
To design the best control to reduce quickly the anticipated large seed population of brome grass in the soil.
To determine whether the persistence of brome grass is related more to survivors shedding seeds or to the persistence of seeds in the soil.
To identify the stages that are most vulnerable to control, so that better control strategies can be developed.
To note whether there is a shift in weed species with time.
Trial 86C!
Sites and methods
See previous Experimental Summaries for details. The treatments evaluated in the 1990 season are summarized in Table 1.
Brome Grass interference at low densities and their potential for population increase in wheat.
The objectives of this study were to measure the effects of very low densities of brome grass on wheat yield and to determine their potential for population increase in terms of seed production for the replenishment of the seed bank.This study was considered necessary because our long-term investigation on the population dynamics of brome grass (86 Cl), has shown that the use of lupins as a cleaning crop, led to the reduction of the brome grass infestation level to less than 10 plants/m2 in the following wheat crop.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Cheam, A H.
(1990), Brome grass population dynamics in relation to control systems. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.