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DPIRD Collections
Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases
Trial 90BA12, 90WH17, 90A6, 90MT13
Location: Badgingarra, Wongan Hills, Avondale and Mt Barker.
Cucumber Mosaic Virus - Effect of different levels of infection in seed sown.
Trials were done at Badgingarra and Wongan Hills in which plots were sown with seed of cv. Gungurru which transmitted CMV at rates of 5,, l' and O,. The plots were separated by 30 m wide cereal buffers. The intended plant density of 45 plants/sq m (seeding rate 80 kg/ha) was not achieved at either site because of non-wetting soil problems (Table 1). Establishment of CMV infected seedlings as opposed to healthy ones was slightly worse (i.e. fewer became established) at Wongan Hills than at Badgingarra. Infected seedlings acted as sources for virus spread by cowpea and (especially) green peach aphids; blue green aphids did not appear until late in the season. Colonization was noted by both cowpea and green peach aphids at both sites and started earlier than in previous years, as might have been expected following the exceptionally wet summer/early autumn in 1990.
Trial 90BA13, 90BA14, 90WH16 and 90WH25
Field trials on management of cucumber mosaic virus in narrow-leafed lupins.
Location: Badgingarra and Wongan Hills
To study the effect of seeding rate and stand density, trials were done at Badgingarra (90BA14) and Wongan Hills (90WH16) where 15' CMV infected lupin seed (cv. Gungurru) was sown in 25 m x 2.8 m plots separated by 3 metre wide cereal buffers (randomized block design). Six different seeding rates were used with the intention of establishing stand densities (Table 1) ranging from 10 to 50 plants per square metre; there were four replications. The Wongan Hills trial was sown on April 30, 1990, and the trial at Badginagarra on May 10, 1990, into moist seedbeds. Due to the non-wetting nature of the soils at both sites and the relatively dry conditions following seeding, the stand densities obtained were lower than expected for the seeding rates used which were 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 140 kg/ha. Plant densities and CMV seed-infected plants were counted at Wongan Hills on July 26, 1990 and at Badgingarra on July 11, 1990.
Insecticide trial for the control of green peach aphids on lupins.
Location: Allanooka
To investigate the effectiveness of a range of insecticides including Pirimor and other registered and unregistered chemicals against the aphids in the Geraldton area for possible future use controlling the spread of CMV.
Trial 90MT14, 87BA24 and 87MT50
Virus diseases of subterranean clover.
Location: Mt Barker, Badgingarra.
Spaced plant trials were done with AMV-EW isolate. Young plants of sub. clover cv. Daliak growing in jiffy pots were inoculated with AMV-containing sap or mock-inoculated with healthy sap and then transplanted onto the South Perth plots in paired rows separated by oat buffer rows.
Spaced plant trials were done with AMV-EW isolate. Young plants of sub. clover cv. Daliak growing in jiffy pots were inoculated with AMV-containing sap or mock-inoculated with healthy sap and then transplanted onto the South Perth plots in paired rows separated by oat buffer rows.
Trial 87A19, 87MT50, 88A21 and 90A5
Virus diseases of annual medics.
Location: Avondale, Mt Barker.
In 1990, the fourth year of this trial, although the medic plants were numerous the burr medic swards at Avondale grew poorly and weeds were widespread in the plots, especially long storksbill, flatweed and grasses. Poor growth was due to nodulation failure caused by low soil pH (5.3 in water). Hardly any medic plants were left in the Zodiac medic plot at Avondale while few remained at Mt Barker.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry
Recommended Citation
Jones, R,
McKirdy, S,
Baker, A R,
Stevenson, J.
(1990), Virus diseases in lupins.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
Previous Versions
Jun 25 2020
Jun 24 2020 (withdrawn)
Included in
Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Inorganic Chemistry Commons, Organic Chemistry Commons