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DPIRD Collections

Natural resources


It will require the total cooperation of all members of the Soil Conservation District to remedy the area's problems. The first priority is for the control and better use of water on the recharge areas. The wheat/wheat/lupin rotation at present offers the best economic option. Lupins are well suited to the areas of lighter land. If lupins are planted on waterlogged soils or otherwise unsuitable soils, problems will arise and perhaps prejudice their use on the widespread suitable areas. The use of trees below rocky outcrops is an important measure to prevent excessive recharge of the deeper aquifers. Where trees already exist they need to be fenced to allow them to regenerate. Grants are now available for the fencing of remnant areas and is one line that the group members should vigorously explore. All remnants of bush and forest should be identified and protected in the catchment.

Number of Pages



Soil Degradation, Soil Management, Soil Conservation, Land Degradation, Chemistry, Soil Samples


Agriculture | Biodiversity | Botany | Other Plant Sciences | Weed Science

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