Publication Date


DPIRD Collections


Series Number



The booklet is a compilation of jounral articles by Department of Agriculture staff. Bee keeping and wood preservation in Australia, P.J. Robinson and J.R.J. French(The Australian Bee Journal, January 1986, pp 11-14) Wood preservation in Victoria commercial apiaries, P.J. Robinson and J.R.J. French(The Australian Bee Journal, January 1986, pp 8-10) Preservation of hive equipment, T.F. Weatherhead (The Australasian Bee Journal,May 1987, pp 12-17) Preservation of beehive components, T.F. Weatherhead (The Australasian Beekeeper,September 1984, pp 52-53) Choosing paint for beehive timbers, M.J. Kennedy (The Australasian Bee keeper,September 1984, pp 52-53) Protocol for wax dipping bee equipment, G.L. Griffiths (Division of Animal Health,Department of Agriculture, Western Australia), June 1991 Wax dipping vat, L. Allan (Division of Animal Production, Department of Agriculture,Western Australia), October 1991

Number of Pages



Western Australia



Included in

Apiculture Commons



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