Publication Date



Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia




The Department of Agriculture has prepared this Annual Report for the Pastoral Lands Board of Western Australia for the financial year 2003 – 2004. This is the second report incorporating this framework and provides expanded information on issues and trends for a number of indicators of importance to Western Australia’s rangelands.

The Department of Agriculture’s services to the Board are outlined and environmental indicators based on scientific analysis of range condition trend are presented at the regional and property scales. Seasonal conditions at the state level with more specific information at the regional level and information relating to the assistance packages available for those leases located in the area covered by the Exceptional Circumstances for 16 Shires in the regional areas of Pilbara; Gascoyne; Murchison; and Goldfields is included.

Further refinement and advancements to the pastoral lease inspection program incorporating the categorisation model have been instigated during the period. A significant development to be introduced during the 2004-2005 financial year will be the Range Condition Index computer model that is currently being developed. The model will allow the automatic comparison of the results of the traverse ratings of individual leases both with itself over time, and similarly with all leases within the district. The integrated assessment processes incorporating rangeland resource and condition surveys, pastoral lease inspection processes, and WARMS provides land users with a sound information base from which informed management decisions can be made to ensure the sustainability of the rangelands resource.

Number of Pages



rangelands, condition monitoring, pastoral lands board, Commissioner of Soil and Land, postoral leases, Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS), rangeland resource surveys, pastoral lease inspection program


Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy


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