Publication Date



Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia




The Department of Agriculture Western Australia has prepared this Annual Report for the financial year 2004 – 2005. The format is consistent with the previous two years, and now encapsulates enhanced detail and a broader range of headings within the report.

The Department of Agriculture’s services to the Board are outlined and environmental indicators are presented at the regional and property scales. New information being presented to the Board in this report includes Pastoral Lease property transfers, an explanation of the emerging Natural Resource Management program in the rangelands, the Australian Collaborative Rangeland Information System (ACRIS), an introduction to Carnarvon 2020, and key biosecurity issues and developments throughout the rangelands.

The reporting processes to the Board are continually being monitored and this year was no exception. Considerable planning for a pastoral lease inspectors’ workshop was undertaken during the period which will result in suggested amendments to inspection and reporting procedures and report templates.

Number of Pages



rangelands, condition monitoring, pastoral lands board, Commissioner of Soil and Land, postoral leases, Western Australian Rangeland Monitoring System (WARMS), rangeland resource surveys, pastoral lease inspection program


Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Natural Resources Management and Policy


Maps are not included as part of the complete document download. If this report contains a map, it will be available in the individual parts list below.
