Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 9 > No. 3
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 9, Number 3
Front Matter
Rates of superphosphate for cereal grain production in the under 20 inch rainfall areas
Walter Jacob Cox
Cereal eelworm : a new disease of cereal crops in the Geraldton area
R J. Parkin and Olga M. Goss
Common heliotrope : (Heliotropum europaeum L.)
G R W Meadly
Production costs in the apple industry : comments on a survey
A W. Hogstrom and I. J. Moncrieff
Editor: E. H. Lawson
Cover picture: A well-designed and properly constructed farm dam on the Badgingarra Research Station. The contour mouth above the mouth of the dam greatly improves the catchment. There is sufficient freeboard and a good overflow system has been provided..
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