Home > Agriculture > Series4 > Vol. 6 > No. 3
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4
Volume 6, Number 3
Front Matter
Sharpening and care of mulesing shears
A L. Jones
Brown spot of passion fruit
R F. Doepel
Puccinellia : outstanding saltland grass
C V. Malcolm and S. T. Smith
The economic potential of the Wongan-Ballidu Shire. Part 2. Costs and returns
G D. Oliver and A. W. Hogstrom
Fatique in caged layers
P Smetana
Herbicides for firebreaks
Geoffrey A. Pearce
Kimberley Research Station progress report, 1964 : oil crops
D F. Beech, M. J. T. Norman, and W. R. Stern
Kimberley Research Station progress report, 1964 : rice
A L. Chapman and P. J. Van Rijn
Kimberley Research Station progress report, 1964 : sugar cane
Jan Jerzy Basinski, A. L. Chapman, and P. J. Van Rijn

Editor: E H Lawson
Cover picture: The effect of inoculating and lime-pelleting barrel medic seed. The well nodulated, healthy plant from treated seed contrasts with the stunted, un-nodulated plants from unpelleted seed on adjacent plots in a trial on Badgingarra Research Station, pictured about six weeks after germination. The scale reads in centimetres. (See page 143 for details.)
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