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This study, prepared as a part of a broader study for WA fisheries, is concerned with the regional economy of the West Kimberley region and involves an assessment of the impact on the region of a range of fishing industry scenarios associated with development of an LNG processing facility. Specific tasks involved in the study were to prepare the following:
• a standard input-output model for the West Kimberley regional economy for 2007/08 and extend it as a DECON model; and
• estimates of the regional economic and population impact for a range of fishing industry scenarios arising from the Kimberley LNG Project
Estimates of economic and population impact were based on a series of assumptions regarding the level of output, expenditure and employment in each fishing industry sector. Estimates of economic impact provide a statement of regional economic activity arising from the fishing industry scenarios and do not indicate whether the costs of changes in the level of activity outweigh the benefits.
1 921258 81 0
1447 - 2058
Publication Date
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Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), Economic, Fishing Industry, Impact, Kimberley, Population impact, West Kimberley, Fishery, Regional Economy, Gas
Aquaculture and Fisheries | Environmental Education | Environmental Health and Protection | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Marine Biology | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Oil, Gas, and Energy | Other Environmental Sciences | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
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EconSearch Pty Ltd,
Department of Fisheries Western Australia.
2010. Fisheries occasional paper No. 77 - Economic analysis: fishing industry impact study - Kimberley LNG Project. 77. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. Perth.

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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Environmental Education Commons, Environmental Health and Protection Commons, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Natural Resource Economics Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Oil, Gas, and Energy Commons, Other Environmental Sciences Commons, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Commons