Fisheries Research Articles
Submissions from 2014
What caused seven consecutive years of low puerulus settlement in the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia?, Simon de Lestang, Nick Caputi, Ming Feng, Ainslie M. Denham, James Penn, Dirk Slawinski, Alan Pearce, and Jason How
Characterisation of mussel (Mytilus sp.) populations in Western Australia and evaluation of potential genetic impacts of mussel spat translocation from interstate, Joana Dias, Seema Fotedar, and Michael Snow
Round herring (genus Etrumeus) contain distinct evolutionary lineages coincident with a biogeographic barrier along Australia’s southern temperate coastline, Joseph D. DiBattista, John E. Randall, Stephen J. Newman, and Brian W. Bowen
Breathing life into fisheries stock assessments with citizen science, David V. Fairclough, Jamin I. Brown, B J. Carlish, Brett M. Crisafulli, and Ian S. Keay
Regional-scale patterns of mobile invertebrate assemblage structure on artificial habitats off Western Australia, Shelley Foster, Dan A. Smale, Jason How, Simon de Lestang, Anne Brearley, and Gary A. Kendrick
Biology of the harlequin fish Othos dentex (Serranidae), with particular emphasis on sexual pattern and other reproductive characteristics, Bob French, Ian C. Potter, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, Peter Graham Coulson, and Norman G. Hall
An unfished area enhances a spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, fishery: implications for management and conservation within a Biosphere Reserve in the Mexican Caribbean, K Ley-Cooper, Simon de Lestang, B F. Phillips, and E Lozano-Alvarez
Linking spatial stock dynamics and economics: evaluation of indicators and fishery management for the travelling eastern king prawn (Melicertus plebejus), Michael F. O,Neill; George M. Leigh; Yonggang Wang; Matias Braccini; and Matthew C. Ives
Calibration of pelagic stereo-BRUVs and scientific longline surveys for sampling sharks, Julia Santana-Garcon, Matias Braccini, Tim J. Langlois, Stephen J. Newman, Rory B. McAuley, and Euan S. Harvey
Development and validation of a mid-water baited stereo-video technique for investigating pelagic fish assemblages, Julia Santana-Garcon, Stephen J. Newman, and Euan S. Harvey
Effects of a spatial closure on highly mobile fish species: An assessment using pelagic stereo-BRUVs, Julia Santana-Garcon, Stephen J. Newman, Tim J. Langlois, and Euan S. Harvey
Evaluation of the effect of closed areas on a unique and shallow water coral reef fish assemblage reveals complex responses, G. Shedrawi, E. S. Harvey, D. L. McLean, J. Prince, L. M. Bellchambers, and Stephen J. Newman
First record of Mobula japanica on the west coast of Australia, Kim Smith, Alan Pearce, Chris Dowling, and Seema Fotedar
Submissions from 2013
Characterization of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the dogtooth tuna Gymnosarda unicolor, B. P. Bentley, E. S. Harvey, Stephen J. Newman, D. J. Welch, A. K. Smith, and W. J. Kennington
Frequency of Multiple Paternity in Gummy Shark, Mustelus antarcticus, and Rig, Mustelus lenticulatus, and the Implications of Mate Encounter Rate, Postcopulatory Influences, and Reproductive Mode, Jessica J. Boomer, Robert G. Harcourt, Malcolm P. Francis, Terence I. Walker, Juan Matias Braccini, and Adam J. Stow
James’s rule and causes and consequences of a latitudinal cline in the demography of John’s Snapper (Lutjanus johnii) in coastal waters of Australia, Mike Cappo, Ross J. Marriott, and Stephen J. Newman
Development of sensitive and specific molecular tools for the efficient detection and discrimination of potentially invasive mussel species of the genus Perna, Joana Dias, Seema Fotedar, Johnathan P A Gardiner, and Michael Snow
A little bait goes a long way: The influence of bait quantity on a temperate fish assemblage sampled using stereo-BRUVs, Jethro Hardinge, Euan S. Harvey, Benjamin J. Saunders, and Stephen J. Newman
Stock enhancement in greenlip abalone part III: bioeconomic evaluation, Anthony M. Hart, Lachlan W S Strain, and Sybrand Alexander Hesp
The efficacy of crab condos in capturing small crab species and their use in invasive marine species monitoring, Matthew Hewitt and Justin I. McDonald
Murky waters: Searching for structure in genetically depauperate blue threadfin populations of Western Australia, John B. Horne, Paolo Momigliano, Lynne van Herwerden, and Stephen J. Newman
Abundance indices for long-lived tropical snappers: estimating standardized catch rates from spatially and temporally coarse logbook data, Ross J. Marriott, Michael F. O'Neill, Stephen J. Newman, and Craig L. Skepper
Identifying key dynamics and ideal governance structures for successful ecological management, Sarah J. Metcalf, Jeffrey M. Dambacher, P Rogers, Neil R. Loneragan, and Daniel J. Gaughan
Growth of Tropical dasyatid Rays Estimated Using a Multi-Analytical Approach, Owen R. O'Shea, Matias Braccini, Rory McAuley, Conrad W. Speed, and Mark G. Meekan
Sound production by the West Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum), Miles J. Parsons, Simon Longbottom, Paul Lewis, Robert D. McCauley, and David V. Fairclough
Use of conventional tags in a country with little experience in marine fishes tagging, Marcelo Pérez, Matias Braccini, and M. Berta Cousseau
Assessing the effects of moving to maximum economic yield effort level in the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia, Chris Reid, Nick Caputi, Simon de Lestang, and Peter Stephenson
Presettlement schooling behaviour of a priacanthid, the Purplespotted Bigeye Priacanthus tayenus (Priacanthidae: Teleostei), Julia Santana-Garcon, Jeffrey M. Leis, Stephen J. Newman, and Euan S. Harvey
Fish assemblages associated with natural and anthropogenically-modified habitats in a marine embayment: comparison of baited videos and opera-house traps, Corey B. Wakefield, Paul Lewis, Teresa B. Coutts, David V. Fairclough, and Timothy J. Langlois
Exceptional longevity, slow growth and late maturation infer high inherent vulnerability to exploitation for bass groper Polyprion americanus (Teleostei: Polyprionidae), Corey B. Wakefield, Stephen J. Newman, and Dion K. Boddington
Contrasting life history characteristics of the eightbar grouper Hyporthodus octofasciatus (Pisces: Epinephelidae) over a large latitudinal range reveals spawning omission at higher latitudes, Corey B. Wakefield, Stephen J. Newman, Ross J. Marriott, Dion K. Boddington, and David V. Fairclough
Rapid and reliable multivariate discrimination for two cryptic Eteline snappers using otolith morphometry, Corey B. Wakefield, Ashley J. Williams, Stephen J. Newman, Melanie Bunel, Christopher E. Dowling, Chella A. Armstrong, and Tim J. Langlois
Submissions from 2012
Stock structure of the blue threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) across northern Australia derived from life-history characteristics, Aaron C. Ballagh, David J. Welch, Stephen J. Newman, Quentin Allsop, and Jason Stapley
Microsatellite DNA analysis and hydrodynamic modelling reveal the extent of larval transport and gene flow between management zones in an exploited marine fish (Glaucosoma hebraicum), Oliver Berry, Phillip England, David V. Fairclough, Gary Jackson, and Jim Greenwood
Understanding age-specific dispersal in fishes through hydrodynamic modelling, genetic simulations and microsatellite DNA analysis, Oliver Berry, Phillip England, Ross J. Marriott, Christopher P. Burridge, and Stephen J. Newman
Bait Effects in Sampling Coral Reef Fish Assemblages with Stereo-BRUVs, Stacey R. Dorman, Euan S. Harvey, and Stephen J. Newman
A comparison of the stock structures of two exploited demersal teleosts, employing complementary methods of otolith element analysis, David V. Fairclough, J S. Edmonds, Gary Jackson, Rod C J Lenanton, Jim Kemp, Brett W. Molony, Ian S. Keay, Brett M. Crisafulli, and Corey B. Wakefield
Biology and management of a multi-sector blue swimmer crab fishery in a subtropical embayment – Shark Bay, Western Australia, David C. Harris, Danielle J. Johnston, Errol Sporer, Mervi Kangas, Nieves Felipe, and Nick Caputi
Scale and context dependent selection of recreational harvest estimation methods: the Australasian experience, Bruce W. Hartill, Martin Cryer, Jeremy M. Lyle, Eugene B. Rees, Karina L. Ryan, Aldo S. Steffe, Stephen M. Taylor, Laurie West, and Brent S. Wise
Response of diurnal and nocturnal coral reef fish to protection from fishing: an assessment using baited remote underwater video, E. S. Harvey, S. R. Dorman, C. Fitzpatrick, Stephen J. Newman, and D. L. McLean
Comparison of the relative efficiencies of stereo-BRUVs and traps for sampling tropical continental shelf demersal fishes, Euan S. Harvey, Stephen J. Newman, Dianne McLean, Mike Cappo, Jessica J. Meeuwig, and Craig L. Skepper
Searching for common threads in threadfins: phylogeography of Australian polynemids in space and time, John B. Horne, Paolo Momigliano, D. J. Welch, Stephen J. Newman, and Lynne van Herwerden
Acoustic tracking: issues affecting design, analysis and interpretation of data from movement studies, Jason How and Simon de Lestang
Recovery of inner Shark Bay snapper (Pagrus auratus) stocks: relevant research and adaptive recreational fisheries management in a World Heritage Property, Gary Jackson and Michael J. Moran
Science behind management of Shark Bay and Florida Bay, two P-limited subtropical systems with different climatology and human pressures, Gary A. Kendrick, James W. Fourqurean, Matthew W. Fraser, Michael R. Heithaus, Gary Jackson, Kim Friedman, and David Hallac
Similarities between line fishing and baited stereo-video estimations of length-frequency: novel application of kernel density estimates, Timothy J. Langlois, Benjamin R. Fitzpatrick, David V. Fairclough, Corey B. Wakefield, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, Dianne L. McLean, Euan S. Harvey, and Jessica J. Meeuwig
Do the maximum sizes, ages and patterns of growth of three reef-dwelling labrid species at two latitudes differ in a manner conforming to the metabolic theory of ecology?, E Lek, David V. Fairclough, Norman G. Hall, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, and Ian C. Potter
Do the maximum sizes, ages and patterns of growth of three reef-dwelling labrid species at two latitudes differ in a manner conforming to the metabolic theory of ecology?, Elaine Lek, David V. Fairclough, Norman G. Hall, Sybrand Alex Hesp, and Ian C. Potter
Estimates of exploitation rates of the spiny lobster fishery for Panulirus argus from tagging within the Bahía Espíritu Santo ‘Sian Ka'an’ Biosphere Reserve, Mexican Caribbean, Kim Ley-Cooper, Simon de Lestang, B F. Phillips, and E Lozano-Alvarez
Spatial variation in life history reveals insight into connectivity and geographic population structure of a tropical estuarine teleost: king threadfin, Polydactylus macrochir, Bradley R. Moore, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Stephen J. Newman, Jason Stapley, Quentin Allsop, Michelle J. Sellin, and D. J. Welch
Parasites as indicators of movement and population connectivity of a non-diadromous, tropical estuarine teleost: king threadfin Polydactylus macrochir, B. R. Moore, D. J. Welch, Stephen J. Newman, and R. J. G. Lester
Age-based demography and relative fisheries productivity of Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede) in Western Australia, Stephen J. Newman, Michael C. Mackie, and Paul D. Lewis
Tagging studies reveal restricted movement of snapper (Pagrus auratus) within Shark Bay, supporting fine-scale fisheries management, Jeffrey V. Norriss, Michael Moran, and Gary Jackson
Expanding roving-aerial surveys to include counts of recreational shore fishers from remotely-operated cameras: benefits, limitations and cost-effectiveness, Claire B. Smallwood, K H. Pollock, Brent S. Wise, Norman G. Hall, and Daniel J. Gaughan
Relationships between latitude and environmental conditions and the species richness, abundance and composition of tropical fish assemblages over soft substrata, Michael J. Travers, Ian C. Potter, K. Robert Clarke, and Stephen J. Newman
DNA barcoding in Nautilus pompilius (Mollusca : Cephalopoda): evolutionary divergence of an ancient species in modern times, Rachel C. Williams, Stephen J. Newman, and William Sinclair
Long-term monitoring of boat-based recreational fishing in Shark Bay, Western Australia: providing scientific advice for sustainable management in a World Heritage Area, Brent S. Wise, Christopher F. Telfer, Eva K M Lai, Norman G. Hall, and Gary Jackson
Submissions from 2011
Bomb radiocarbon dating of three important reef-fish species using Indo-Pacific Δ14C chronologies, Allen H. Andrews, John M. Kalish, Stephen J. Newman, and Justine M. Johnston
Genetic population structure of grey mackerelScomberomorus semifasciatus in northern Australia, D. Broderick, J. R. Ovenden, R. C. Buckworth, Stephen J. Newman, R. J. G. Lester, and D. J. Welch
Rapid and cost-effective assessment of connectivity among assemblages of Choerodon rubescens (Labridae), using laser ablation ICP-MS of sagittal otoliths, David V. Fairclough, John S. Edmonds, Rod C J Lenanton, Gary Jackson, Ian S. Keay, Brett M. Crisafulli, and Stephen J. Newman
Ocean circulation, Stokes drift, and connectivity of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) population, Ming Feng, Nick Caputi, James Penn, Dirk Slawinski, Simon de Lestang, Evan Weller, and Alan Pearce
Health management during handling and live transport of crustaceans: A review, Seema Fotedar and L Evans
Phylogeography of the reef fish Cephalopholis argus(Epinephelidae) indicates Pleistocene isolation across the indo-pacific barrier with contemporary overlap in the coral triangle, Michelle R. Gaither, Brian W. Bowen, Tiana-Rae Bordenave, Luiz A. Rocha, Stephen J. Newman, Juan A. Gomez, Lynne van Herwerden, and Matthew T. Craig
High Connectivity in the Deepwater Snapper Pristipomoides filamentosus (Lutjanidae) across the Indo-Pacific with Isolation of the Hawaiian Archipelago, Michelle R. Gaither, Shelley A. Jones, Christopher Kelley, Stephen J. Newman, Laurie Sorenson, and Brian W. Bowen
Limited ecological population connectivity suggests low demands on self-recruitment in a tropical inshore marine fish (Eleutheronema tetradactylum: Polynemidae), John B. Horne, Paolo Momigliano, David J. Welch, Stephen J. Newman, and Lynne van Herwerden
Decline of a blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) fishery in Western Australia - History, contributing factors and future management strategy, Danielle J. Johnston, David C. Harris, Nick Caputi, and Adrian Thomson
Are Western Australian waters the least productive waters for finfish across two oceans? A review with a focus on finfish resources in the Kimberley region and North Coast Bioregion, B. W. Molony, S. J. Newman, L. Loll, R C J Lenanton, and B. Wise
Stock structure of blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum across northern Australia, as indicated by parasites, B. R. Moore, J. Stapley, Q. Allsop, Stephen J. Newman, A. Ballagh, D. J. Welch, and R. J. G. Lester
Stock structure of blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum across northern Australia as inferred from stable isotopes in sagittal otolith carbonate, S. J. Newman, M. B. Pember, B. M. Rome, G. E. Mitsopoulos, C. L. Skepper, Q. Allsop, T. Saunders, A. C. Ballagh, L. van Herwerden, R. N. Garrett, N. A. Gribble, J. M. Stapley, J. J. Meeuwig, B. R. Moore, and D. J. Welch
Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Trap Usage and Ghost Fishing on the Northern Demersal Scalefish Fishery, Stephen J. Newman, Craig L. Skepper, Gabby E. Mitsopoulos, Corey B. Wakefield, Jessica J. Meeuwig, and Euan S. Harvey
Implications of the divergent use of a suite of estuaries by two exploited marine fish species, Ian C. Potter, B M. Chuwen, Sybrand Alexander Hesp, Norman G. Hall, S D. Hoeksema, David V. Fairclough, and T M. Rodwell
Demersal and epibenthic fauna in a temperate marine embayment, Cockburn Sound, Western Australia: determination of key indicator species, A Sampey, J Fromont, and Danielle J. Johnston
The status of the black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri (Pisces: Sparidae) population in Lake Clifton, south-western Australia, Kimberley A. Smith and Jeffrey V. Norriss
Spawning and nursery habitat partitioning and movement patterns of Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) on the lower west coast of Australia, Corey B. Wakefield, David V. Fairclough, Rod C J Lenanton, and Ian C. Potter
Submissions from 2010
Using fine‐scale catch predictions to examine spatial variation in growth and catchability of Panulirus cygnus along the west coast of Australia, Simon de Lestang, Nick Caputi, and Roy Melville-Smith
An Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management framework: the efficient, regional-level planning tool for management agencies, Warrick (Rick) Fletcher, Jennifer Shaw, Sarah J. Metcalf, and Daniel J. Gaughan
New records of marine fishes illustrate the biogeographic importance of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, Jean-Paul A. Hobbs, Anthony M. Ayling, J. Howard Choat, Justin J. Gilligan, Christian A. McDonald, Joseph Neilson, and Stephen J. Newman
An evaluation of the daily egg production method to estimate spawning biomass of snapper (Pagrus auratus) in inner Shark Bay, Western Australia, following more than a decade of surveys 1997–2007, Gary Jackson, Y W. Cheng, and Corey B. Wakefield
Spatial variation in life history characteristics of snapper (Pagrus auratus) within Shark Bay, Western Australia, Gary Jackson, Jeffrey V. Norriss, Michael C. Mackie, and Norman G. Hall
Age-based demographic assessment of fished stocks of Lethrinus nebulosus in the Gascoyne Bioregion of Western Australia, R. J. Marriott, D. J. Adams, N. D. C. Jarvis, Michael J. Moran, S. J. Newman, and M Craine
Maturation and sexual ontogeny in the spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus, R. J. Marriott, N. D. C. Jarvis, D. J. Adams, A. E. Gallash, Jeffrey V. Norriss, and Stephen J. Newman
Accepting final counts from repeat readings of otoliths: should a common criterion apply to the age estimation of fish?, Ross J. Marriott, Bruce D. Mapstone, Aaron C. Ballagh, Leanne M. Currey, Ann Penny, Ashley J. Williams, Gary Jackson, Dongchun Lou, Amos J. Mapleston, Nick Jarvis, Ian S. Keay, and Stephen J. Newman
Large decline in the abundance of a targeted tropical lethrinid in areas open and closed to fishing, Dianne L. McLean, Euan S. Harvey, David V. Fairclough, and Stephen J. Newman
Visual assessment of the reproductive condition of female western rock lobsters (Panulirus cygnus), Roy Melville-Smith and Simon de Lestang
Spatial and temporal changes in egg production in the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery, Roy Melville-Smith, Simon de Lestang, and Adrian W. Thomson
Qualitative analysis of recreational fisher response and the ecosystem impacts of management strategies in a data-limited situation, Sarah J. Metcalf, K Moyle, and Daniel J. Gaughan
Age estimation and otolith characteristics of an unusually old, red emperor snapper (Lutjanus sebae) captured off the Kimberley coast of north-western Australia, S. J. Newman, C. L. Skepper, and C. B. Wakefield
Variation in stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) signatures in the sagittal otolith carbonate of king threadfin, Polydactylus macrochir across northern Australia reveals multifaceted stock structure, Stephen J. Newman, Quentin Allsop, Aaaron C. Ballagh, Rod N. Garrett, Neil Gribble, Jessica J. Meeuwig, Gabby E. Mitsopoulos, Bradley R. Moore, Matthew B. Pember, Ben M. Rome, Thor Saunders, Craig L. Skepper, Jason M. Stapley, Lynne van Herwerden, and David J. Welch
Stock structure of Grey Mackerel, Scomberomorus semifasciatus (Pisces: Scombridae) across northern Australia, based on otolith stable isotope chemistry, Stephen J. Newman, Ian W. Wright, Ben M. Rome, Michael C. Mackie, Paul D. Lewis, Rik C. Buckworth, Aaaron C. Ballagh, Rod N. Garrett, Jason Stapley, Damien Broderick, Jennifer R. Ovenden, and David J. Welch
Longevity in Australian snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae), Jeffrey V. Norriss and Brett M. Crisafulli
Spatial Subdivision and Genetic Diversity in Populations on the East and West Coasts of Australia: The Multi-Faceted Case of Nautilus pompilius (Mollusca, Cephalopoda), William Sinclair, Stephen J. Newman, Gabriel M. Vianna, Steven Williams, and William J. Aspden
Aggregation and stranding of elongate sunfish (Ranzania laevis) (Pisces: Molidae) (Pennant, 1776) on the southern coast of Western Australia, Kimberley A. Smith, M Hammond, and Paul G. Close
Strong genetic subdivision generates high genetic variability among eastern and western Australian populations of Lutjanus carponotatus (Richardson), Heather D. Veilleux, Lynne van Herwerden, Richard D. Evans, Michael J. Travers, and Stephen J. Newman
Age-based demography and reproduction of hapuku, Polyprion oxygeneios, from the south coast of Western Australia: implications for management, Corey Wakefield, Stephen J. Newman, and Brett W. Molony
Submissions from 2009
Seasonal variation in the long-term warming trend in water temperature off the Western Australian coast, Nick Caputi, Simon de Lestang, Ming Feng, and Alan Pearce
The effect of climate change on the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery of Western Australia, Nick Caputi, Roy Melville-Smith, Simon de Lestang, Alan Pearce, and Ming Feng
The stock structure of grey mackerel Scomberomorus semifasciatus in Australia as inferred from its parasite fauna, Robbie A. Charters, Robert J. G. Lester, Rik C. Buckworth, Stephen J. Newman, Jennifer R. Ovenden, Damien Broderick, Olena Kravchuk, Aaaron C. Ballagh, and David J. Welch
Qualitative modelling and indicators of exploited ecosystems, Jeffrey M. Dambacher, Daniel J. Gaughan, Marie-Joelle Rochet, Philippe A. Rossignol, and Verena M. Trenkel
Does the poleward boundary current off Western Australia exert a dominant influence on coastal chaetognaths and siphonophores?, Daniel J. Gaughan, Alan F. Pearce, and Paul Lewis
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus), D M. Groth, F Lim, Simon de Lestang, N Beale, and Roy Melville-Smith