Grain production and consumption in Oceania: Australia and Pacific countries
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Many of the grains of economic significance are not native to Oceania, which includes the many small islands in the South Pacific, plus Australia and New Zealand. So the popular grain species have been introduced only in the past two centuries or so. Most of the grain species are poorly suited to the tropical islands, but the wide range of growth conditions in Australia suits most grain species. For example, Australia's wheat production exceeds consumption to the extent that about 75% of the crop is exported. The story is told of the development of Australia's wheat industry.
Publication Title
Encyclopedia of Food Grains (Second Edition)
Publication Date
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Academic Press
Agronomy and Crop Sciences
Recommended Citation
C.W. Wrigley, R.J. French, Grain Production and Consumption in Oceania: Australia and Pacific Countries, Editor(s): Colin Wrigley, Harold Corke, Koushik Seetharaman, Jon Faubion, Encyclopedia of Food Grains (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2016, Pages 409-419, ISBN 9780123947864,