Vitamin E does not counteract the shortened shelf life of long-stored pork with increasing levels of intramuscular fat
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Journal Title
Animal Production Science
Print: 1836-0939 eISSN: 1836-5787
pork, pigs, swine, shelf-life
Meat Science | Other Animal Sciences
The extended storage of red meat products increases lipid oxidation, particularly in high intramuscular fat (IMF) meat (Calnan et al. 2014). This decreases retail shelf life, an effect that is minimised in sheep by dietary supplementation with vitamin E (VE; Jose et al. 2008). However this has not been tested in long-stored (>14 d) Australian pork. The hypothesis examined herein was that supplementing finisher pigs with VE would enable extended storage of pork without an associated increase in spoilage during retail display.
Recommended Citation
Jose C. G., Kim J. C. (2015) Vitamin E does not counteract the shortened shelf life of long-stored pork with increasing levels of intramuscular fat. Animal Production Science 55, 1467-1467.