Agriculture Research Articles
Submissions from 2020
Straw mulch and irrigation affect solute potential and sunflower yield in a heavy textured soil in the Ganges Delta, Priya Lal Chandra Paul, Richard W. Bell, Edward Barrett-Lennard, and Enamul Kabir
Submissions from 2019
Variation in the yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) due to differing tillage systems is associated with variation in solute potential of the soil solution in a salt-affected coastal region of the Ganges Delta, Priya Lal Chandra Paul, Richard W. Bell, Edward Barrett-Lennard, and Enamul Kabir
Submissions from 2018
Mapping of novel salt tolerance QTL in an Excalibur × Kukri doubled haploid wheat population, Muhammad A. Asif, Rhiannon K. Schilling, Joanne Tilbrook, Chris Brien, Kate Dowling, Huwaida Rabie, Laura Short, Christine Trittermann, Alexandre Garcia, Edward G. Barrett-Lennard, Bettina Berger, Diane E. Mather, Matther Gilliham, Delphine Fleury, Mark Tester, Stuart J. Roy, and Allison S. Pearson
Changes in cell size and tissue hydration (‘succulence’) cause curvilinear growth responses to salinity and watering treatments in euhalophytes, Fenglan Ma, Edward G. Barrett-Lennard, and Chang Yan Tian
Submissions from 2017
Salinization of the soil solution decreases the further accumulation of salt in the root zone of the halophyte Atriplex nummularia Lindl. growing above shallow saline groundwater, Hesham F. Alharby, Timothy D. Colmer, and Edward G. Barrett-Lennard
Hydraulic redistribution: limitations for plants in saline soils, Nadia Bazihizina, Erik Veneklaas, Edward G. Barrett-Lennard, and Timothy D. Colmer
Characterization of field-scale dryland salinity with depth by quasi-3d inversion of DUALEM-1 data, J Huang, Tanya Kilminster, E G. Barrett-Lennard, and J Triantafillis
Pronounced surface stratification of soil phosphorus, potassium and sulfur under pastures upstream of a eutrophic wetland and estuarine system, Megan H. Ryan, Mark Tibbett, Hans Lambers, David Bicknell, Phillip Brookes, Edward G. Barrett-Lennard, Carlos Ocampo, and Dion Nicol
Submissions from 2016
Spatially-Optimized Sequential Sampling Plan for Cabbage Aphids Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Canola Fields, Dustin Severtson, Ken Flower, and Christian Nansen
Submissions from 2014
Success of diagnostic approach to rainfed, wheat-based cropping systems in Western Australia, Darshan L. Sharma and Walter K. Anderson