Publication Date


Series Number



Department of Fisheries, Western Australia




1 921258 74 8


1035 - 4549


Final NRM Report – Project 073007

Part 1– Knowledge review and gap analysis: Resource condition monitoring in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions of Western Australia

This report details extensive literature searches for both research and monitoring programs that have been undertaken in the marine and coastal environments of the Pilbara and Kimberley region of northern Western Australia. The Pilbara and Kimberley region is remote and difficult to access, resulting in very little monitoring effort of the marine and coastal environments in that region.

We currently know very little of the condition of marine and coastal natural resources in the Pilbara and Kimberley, and the purpose of the current literature review is to identify knowledge gaps for the region to prioritise areas for future research. Compounding our lack of knowledge on the state of the natural resource condition, is the burgeoning industrial developments that continue apace, including mineral, oil, and natural gas mining. Some of the largest industrial facilities in Australia are to be found in coastal and marine environments of the Pilbara and Kimberley.

The knowledge review examined the available literature for the region relating to marine and coastal research and monitoring. The project required that knowledge gaps be identified from the categories - general marine*, marine water and sediment quality, marine primary production, marine vegetation communities*, marine invertebrate communities, marine fish species, marine reptile species, and marine mammal species. A discussion of each of these categories, for both the Pilbara and Kimberley regions highlights where research has previously occurred, our state of knowledge, and issues that currently exist.

Number of Pages



Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, habitat loss, biodiversity


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Climate | Environmental Sciences | Oceanography
