Publication Date
Series Number
Department of Fisheries, Western Australia
1 921258 64 0
1035 - 4549
Final FRDC Report – Project Number 2001/069
1. To undertake data collection in order to measure the level of compliance and enforcement across the range of input and output managed fisheries in Western Australia, with a view to optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall compliance program.
2. In conjunction with representatives from national fisheries compliance groups, to develop national standards for the collection and reporting of fishery-specific enforcement activity levels and compliance rates.
3. To determine how levels of enforcement and compliance vary spatially and temporally, including an examination of how the level and type of enforcement activity affects compliant behaviour. Planned management experiments will be used to assess how different levels of enforcement effort affect compliance outcomes within and between fisheries.
4. To examine the usefulness of Agency VFLO data for measuring trends in compliance, with a view to extending current VFLO data collection to include compliance-specific information.
Outcomes achieved
This project provides a database that can be used to estimate trends in compliance rates for different regulations in different fisheries. This enables fisheries compliance officers and managers to make informed decisions on the priorities for applying limited resources to ensure that the fisheries are managed sustainably.
Number of Pages
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Enforcement, compliance, deterrence, evaluation, co-management, database, Western Australia
Aquaculture and Fisheries
Recommended Citation
Green, T.J., McKinlay, J.P. 2009. Compliance Program Evaluation and Optimisation in Commercial and Recreational Western Australian Fisheries. Final report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation on Project No. 2001/069. Fisheries Research Report No. 195. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 81p.
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