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Most of the soils are grey and brown solonized soils. The subsoils, to about 2 m, are calcareous sandy clays with limestone rubble, but there are three main surface variations: sandy surfaced, 5-30 cm deep, passing abruptly to the sandy clay subsoil with lime nodules. The Circle Valley sand and Scaddan sand are major types. Scaddan sand has a domed subsoil clay. Powdery calcareous sandy loam; and clay loam and clay with some lime in the subsoil, but less than in 1 and 2.
Number of Pages
Soil surveys, Western Australia, Salmon Gums region (WA)
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Burvill, G H.
(1988), The soils of the Salmon Gums district, Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Technical Bulletin 77.
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