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The inventory of rangelands in part of the Broome Shire in Western Australia was undertaken by DAFWA between 1989 and 1990. It describes and maps the natural resources of the region’s pastoral leasehold land. This survey report provides a baseline record of the existence and condition of the natural area’s resources, to assist with the planning and implementation of land management practices. The report identified and described the condition of soils, landforms, vegetation, habitat, ecosystems, and declared plants and animals. It also assessed the impact of pastoralism and made land management recommendations. The survey of part of the Broome Shire covers about 8664km² of pastoral land in the Canning Basin region. It lies adjacent to the west coast of the Broome Shire, which is in the south-west of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The survey area is dominated by extensive sandplains and dune fields which border the northern edge of the Great Sandy Desert. A smaller area of coastal plain occurs on the western edge of the survey area. Soils on the sandplain and dune fields are predominantly deep red sands and loamy sands. Coastal plain soils are light grey silty clays. Pastures are dominated by spinifex communities on the sandplain with halophytic species dominating pastures on the coastal plain. There are no permanent water courses in the area although there are several springs on the inland margin of the coastal plain. Stock are almost entirely dependent upon man-made watering points.
Number of Pages
Hydrogeology, Geology, Range pastures, Kimberley region (WA), Soil, Vegetation, Geomorphology, Climate, Range condition, Western Australia, Rangelands, Broome (WA)
Agricultural and Resource Economics | Agricultural Economics | Agricultural Science | Agriculture | Desert Ecology | Environmental Education | Environmental Health | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Geology | Geomorphology | Natural Resource Economics | Natural Resources and Conservation | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Physical and Environmental Geography | Soil Science | Sustainability | Systems Biology | Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
Recommended Citation
Cotching, W E.
(2005), An inventory of rangelands in part of the Broome Shire, Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Technical Bulletin 93.
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