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Natural resources
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Production of groundnuts in trials on irrigated Cockatoo Sands near Kununurra have been sufficiently encouraging for a soil survey to be requested of three small areas possibly suitable for commercial release. It was anticipated that between 1 000 and 1 200 ha would be necessary in the immediate future for development of five farms for groundnut production. The survey was begun in November 1978 to: classify the sand soil types. determine the potential of these types for with groundnut production. examine possible relationships between soils and vegetation to be used when selecting land for groundnut production.
Number of Pages
Kununurra region (WA), Groundnuts, Land capability, Soil surveys, Western Australia
Soil Science
Recommended Citation
Dixon, J C,
Petheram, R J.
(1979), Soil potential for groundnut production at Kununurra, Western Australia : report of a survey conducted in January 1979. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Technical Bulletin 50.
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