Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
The project focussed on three main findings from the literature review:
- Weed ecology in response to changes in soil characteristics.
- Soil movement and weed seed burial following use of varying strategic tillage implements; and
- Management of weeds in the years directly after amelioration.
The work highlighted that weed growth was either less impacted by changes to soil properties than crop growth, or weed growth and competitive ability were favoured by the same amelioration techniques that favour crop growth. Following amelioration, improved growth of competitive weed species needs to be considered in weed management plans.
Research was conducted on weed seed burial (and soil movement) following common strategic tillage practices, although further information is required on seed burial by both soil loosening and soil mixing implements. Fully understanding soil movement and seed burial will benefit both soil science and weed ecology disciplines. Once buried by strategic tillage, weed seeds degrade over 1-5 years. While some seeds remain dormant for more than five years, there is little difference in the seed number at depth from five to ten years. The Weed Seed Wizard decision support tool is highly accurate in predicting weed growth in the years following seed burial by strategic tillage for those implements where we can predict at what depth seeds are buried.
Weed management may be difficult after amelioration – it is easier to ameliorate a clean field. Pre-emergent herbicide performance may be affected. More research is required on pre-herbicide performance, but using a soluble product with high crop safety is the best choice. If seeding is delayed due to amelioration, weed control will be excellent. Otherwise, plan for a break crop or herbicide resistant crop, and use extensive resistance testing prior to the amelioration event.
Number of Pages
strategic deep tillage, soil loosening, soil mixing, soil inversion, deep ripping, subsoiler, soil mixing, integrated weed management
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Borger C, Peerzada A, Azam G (2023). Impact of soil amelioration on weed ecology and control. Final project report 2023. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Northam Western Australia.
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