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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


1. Assessment of the timing and increasing rates of ethiozin on brome grass control and wheat yield.

Trial 90EC16, 90GE115,

Control of brome grass in wheat using Ethiozin applied immediately before the following seeding and post-emergence.

Location: East Chapman Research Station, Allanooka

Incomplete factorial with three replications.

Unfortunately, further research and development of ethiozin has ceased world wide. It has suggested a result of limited activity on target weeds other than brome grass and economics.

2. Evaluation of pine kraft lignin with metribuzin and their incorporation, on wheat yield and brome grass control.

Trial 90EC18

Evaluating pine kraft lignin (PKL) with metribuzin and their incorporation on wheat yield and brome grass control.

Location: East Chapman Research Station.

Cross plot (incorporation/herbicide) with three replications.

3. Evaluation of stomp plus Mk2R, stomp plusR , sencor480CR and stomp330ER on brome grass control and wheat yield.

Trial 90EG112

Evaluation of metribuzin, pendimethalin and their pre-mix for brome grass control in wheat.

Randomized complete block design with 3 replicates.

This study confirms previous studies that improved wheat yields are achievable with the use of pendimethalin/metribuzin re-mixes on a site with an initially high brome grass infestation. However, these herbicides are only about 80% effective and the weed infestation in the crop is still high and still competitive.

4. Post-emergence control of brome grass using low rates of metribuzin with adjuvants.

Trial 90GE117, 90EG118

Post-emergence control of brome grass in blade wheat using low rates of metribuzin with adjuvants.

Location: East Nabawa, East Yuna.

While all metribuzin treatments with or without adjuvants reduced brome grass infestations in the plots compared to controls, the levels of infestation were still at least 160 plants/m2 which is still a competitive population. This is reflected in the crop yield which did not differ between treated and untreated controls.

5. Competition effect of mixtures of brome grass and rye grass on yield response of wheat.

Trial 90C41

Competition effect of mixtures of brome grass and rye grass on yield of wheat.

Weeds present in crop - the plots were top-dressed with different amounts of seeds of brome grass and annual rye grass or both.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Weed Science
