
A. Wallace

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Silvergrass control.

Trial 90AB11

Location: Great Southern Agricultural Research Institute - Katanning.

The site was an established silvergrass dominant pasture on a light sandy soil.

Trial 90KA95

Location: Great Southern Agricultural Research Institute - Katanning

The site was an established silvergrass dominant pasture on a medium clay soil.

Trial 90KA96

Location: Great Southern Agricultural Research Institute - Katanning

The site was an established silvergrass dominant pasture on heavy (Moort type) clay soil.

Simazine was found to be very active against silvergrass on the light sandy site and all rates applied gave complete control. There were some late germinations which enabled seed set, although the simazine treated plots panicles/m2 were markedly reduced when compared to other treatments. On a medium and heavy sites simazine was also effective against silvergrass. Some activity was also noted against bromegrass.

Trial 90AB12, 90KA93 and 90KA94.

Using less than currently recommended rates of grass selective herbicides for ryegrass control.

Location: Great Southern Agricultural Research Instiute - Katanning, Newdegate Research Station, Rylington Park (Mayanup).

A previous trial (WIRC Project Number W/06/032/W) reported effective control of ryegrass with lower than recommended rates of grass selective herbicides (Sertin, Assure, Fusilade and Verdict) under virtually ideal conditions. If this result proved to be repeatable it may lead to significant reductions in herbicide costs for farmers. To study this further, trial were established at Katanning, Newdegate and Rylington Park (Mayanup). Sites were chosen in these areas so that rainfall effects could be examined.

Trial 90KA136

Ecology and control of grass weeds in cereal pasture rotations in the Great Southern Region.

Location: Great Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Katanning.

This trial was established to determine if there was any synergism exhibited between Roundup (glyphosate)/Pursuit (imazethapyr) and Roundup/Sertin (sethoxydim) when used as spray-topping treatments.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Weed Science
