Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Trial 90WH75
A. Ear:stem ratios in parental genotypes.
Earlier studies have established the importance of ear:stem ratio in determining the harvest index and potential yield of wheat cultivars (Siddique et al. 1989; Siddique and Whan, 1990). Much of the earlier work was concentrated mainly on recommended high yielding cultivars and some old cultivars. It is important to evaluate a wide range of parental materials for ear:stem ratios, before embarking on a breeding programme on ear:stem ratios. The main aim of this study was to assess ear:stem ratios in a wide range of parental genotypes.
B. Evaluation of breeding populations for ear:stem ratio, harvest index and grain yield: F2 derived lines in the F4 generation.
Studies involving F2 lines from 14 crosses in 1988 at Wongan Hills and F2 derived lines in the F3 generation with nine crosses in 1989 at Wongan Hills and South Perth indicated a range of ear:stem ratio within and between these crosses (Siddique and Whan, 1990). The study also suggests that ear:stem ratio has high heritability. However in the above early generation (F2 and F3) materials, we were not able to measure grain yield and harvest index. The main aim of this study was to evaluate ear:stem ratio in the F4 generation in yield plots and establish the relationship between ear:stem ratio, harvest index and grain yield.
Number of Pages
Western Australia
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics
Recommended Citation
Siddique, K H.
(1990), Role of assimilate partition and biomass productivity in wheat yield improvement.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.