Publication Date
Document Type
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Trial 90ES5, 90ES6, 90E7
Lupin time of sowing x variety.
Location: Gibson
To evaluate the response of lupin varieties to a range of sowing dates when grown in high rainfall/long growing season environments.
Trial 90ES8
Lupin time of sowing x variety.
Location: Scaddan
To evaluate the response of lupin varieties to a range of sowing dates.
Number of Pages
Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
Recommended Citation
Seymour, M.
(1990), Time of sowing and variety of lupins on the South Coast.. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
Included in
Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Fresh Water Studies Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons